FACT: If you were to print this page, it would be over 117 pages!

My biggest goal at one time was to have one guy say: "I tried your method. It actually worked for me!"

"She is actually starting to get aggressive with me sexually in bed at night!"

Thank you very much CR James!

Who would have ever figured out all the things I was doing wrong in my relationship with my wife!

I had become the ultimate "man of desperation"! I had actually lost a part of my own identity trying to constantly please my wife! The first time I finally [did something simple and powerful] she sat up and looked at me as if I was crazy for having said it!

Now she is starting to take notice of me...

now she is constantly holding onto my arm or holding hands with me when walking out in public! You have to understand, we were destined for divorce within another six months until I started practicing your techniques. What a turn aroundmywife has done!

She is actually starting to get aggressivewithme sexually in bed at night! She will strip down and then demand I come to bed naked too!

Then she starts to rub her naked body all over me, kissing me and telling me how much she loves me! I know I have a lot to learn still and I have to make sure I don't fall into any pitfalls, but if this is any indication of where we are going...

then I had better hang on tight!

Thank you once again CR James without your techniques I doubt I would ever have enjoyed what my wife is giving me now!

The proof is in the pudding! The attachment is just a little taste of my wife's dessert!



"...big improvements.."

Mr. CR James,

I recently purchased your info and...

...after one week I can see big improvements in how my wife and I are with each other.

The help you have given me is immeasurable.

Thank you!


Hi CR,

I have read half of this ebook and already my mouth is dropping open just because everything I have been doing and done with my significant and obviously past relationships was wrong and obviously unsuccessful.

I realized that I am an EH.

I read that list of traits within the EH profile and it was me to a T almost.

Thank you again!
It is THE BOMB!!

Hi CR what's up my friend.

[The surprise report that was sent exclusively to customers of Super Sex Power] was the highlight of my week last week.

It is THE BOMB!!

I'm still digesting it because I think it has so much that I cannot get it all at once. I noticed though similarities with ????? but in a different more covert way and in a way it has never been explained in NLP.

Open ???? and fill in the vacuum with information which otherwise may not be as accepted but this time it's swallowed whole (no pun intended LOL) I'm writing also to ask about the ????? Report.

I'm sure you put it in to get people's attention and not forgotten it, since I never received it or saw it anywhere.

Can I have it?? I'll give you 250 seduction master points for it ;P I've had trouble with your material in terms of using it mostly because I haven't digested it to a level where I can create my own seduction formulas.

Do you think that if I wrote stuff down it would help me use it more? [YES] Thanks again.

Emails for Students of the SSP Course

I am a huge fan of yours.

Your information is really great.

The book was downloaded and stored to the hard drive on my laptop.

I'm also interested in additional materials that I can read to improve my skills even more.

Thanks to you I am in a relationship with a smart, beautiful nurse.

Keep up the great work.


Your customer service and prolific writing continue to amaze me.

I am now using your writings to reestablish
a dynamic sexual relationship with my wife.


The Lord works in mysterious ways.


Hi CR,

Thank you for the generous gift of your book.

As an active lesbian/bisexual, I incorporate your strategies into my sexual interactions with both men and women -- and quite successfully I must say (without bragging).

Sexual confidence truly is the key!

You are a very gifted writer, able to express truths in a down-to-earth-no-bullshit way. I like that very much, and encourage you to continue telling it like it is.


Hey man seriously you are an outstanding individual...

I'm not an ass kisser or anything but you are the coolest buisness man I've ever dealt with. You answer quickly and really know what your talking about I'm actually trying to pursure a career in the internet field and I truly look up to you and how you conduct your buisness.

I've never met any so called guru of anything that has responded so quickly to a customer, it's unbelivevable..

You are a good guy and I hope to do buisness with you in the near
future and I will get every product you come out with as long as I have money!

I thank you for all your help I honestly didn't expect nothing from you and you showed how much you are dedicated to helping others and that's more than I can say about any other guru.


Well Sincerely

Russian Guy Steals Another Guy's Girlfriend!

Side Note: Do not let a Super Sex Power Customer near your precious female partner! LOL!


Hi CR James,

I have to admit the transformation in me was almost instant after reading some of your e-books, especially Super Sex Power. It was like a revelation.

I wish I got all this info 20 years ago.

<< BEFORE >>

It's funny, I went on a date with very attractive girl before I read your book and when I called her back next day she said to me that I am a very nice guy but we can be only friends.

<< AFTER >>

Next day, I bought your e-books and read some of them thoroughly in two days.

After that I invited her on a date again and applied all this stuff I learned from your book.

She became drawn to me, dropped her boyfriend and now I am her new boyfriend.

It was magic.

By the way, I live in US but I am originally from Russia and for years had this stupid idea to attract American girls which has never worked. I was intentionally ignoring Russian girls that live in US. I wasted so much time on this stupid idea that I finally became total sissy after hundreds of rejections.

Your book completely snapped me out of "tranced" condition and I am back to the younger confident myself. Now I have a policy though: no more American girls and I will be dating only Russian girls.

Thank you man!

<< CR Replies >>

Cool! Thanks for the kind words my friend.

I was really pleased to read your email.... you obviously did everything right... Ironically I was just educating this guy that the transformation CAN take place overnight...

It's simply of matter of doing the secret things that work over and over again...

Take care - good luck with those Russian babes!
CR James

Also - here is a surprise for you Julian (I give this out strictly to customers from time to time)

right click and save target as: |

[links removed]

Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note #2: Getting Results is the only thing that matters.

“I am a therapist and your material has been very beneficial to my clients...”

Hello CR James,

Very fascinating that you understand so well how a woman works I have a suspicion you are a woman or have been one before! :)

I am a therapist and your material has been very beneficial to my clients but I need help too!!

In a relationship that goes through some difficulty where the man then loses his sexual value, do you think he is able to regain it? Yes I am talking aboutmy relationship.

I seem to have so much of power over him that i sometimes find him pathetic.

I am generally horny but I stop myself from giving in to his advances.

Miss "J"
Professional Therapist

His Three Day Seduction Diary
[This is a must read]

Here’s my story for those who don’t believe this works.

I never wrote a testimonial till now!

I’m single and was looking at seduction methods hoping to improve my chances of meeting more women as well as getting more sex. When you are 39 it doesn’t happen often.

I decided to try your methods on my next date.

I only read the course once and was really HALF ASS applying your methods.

Date 1: I laid some easy ground work.
Date 2: She’s more than interested she wants some but I decided to build more points just a little more to see what happens, well by....
Date 3: I was EMBARRASSED as we were in public.

She was all over me!

...so much so that we had to leave 20 minutes into the date back to my place of course...

once in the door she’s on the couch NAKED!

...and well you can guess the rest.

If I had video of this hot blonde basically trying to have sex in a public place ...you would swear it was staged...

That’s how crazy she was for me. I just wanted to say thank you CR James as it’s been a long time since any woman has wanted me that bad...

and getting her so hot that she initiated everything was great for the both of us.

I’m gonna reread the course and study it more this time. It’s almost scary but in a good way.


Thank you, Jay

<< CR Replies >>

thanks for the kind words [Keith]!

i have to give you a testimonial "you are the man!" and I say that seriously because not every guy takes action like you did...

i just got finished reading a email from this guy (2 seconds ago!) that wanted me to prove to him that it works...

he wanted me to email him a bunch of advice (spending my valuable time) concerning getting sexual value and if it worked, he "promised" to buy. ..lol

i told him he doesn't have to buy. and it doesn't really matter to me whether he buys or not. lol (i wasn't trying to be an asshole)

i guess he wanted me to "perform" - as if I'm a juggler in the subway or something. lol

that's the reason why i had to give you a testimonial. and i was serious about it - b/c you (and MANY MANY MANY others like you) basically landed on the site -> bought the book -> read it -> tried it -> and got results...

as a matter of fact, i'm going to attach a free copy of some new stuff i'm working on.. no one has ever seen it.. not even my beta testers!!!

good luck [Keith]...
keep me updated...

More Information About Super Sex Power
Hey CR

I honestly cannot thank you enough, you are a genius!

If anyone has any doubts about your work, they need their head testing!!!!



This Guy Lost His Wife

...Because of Low Sexual Value - But Lucky For Him He Is Taking HIS NEW KNOWLEDGE [From Super Sex Power] Into His Future Relationship.

Hello, I have recently separated from my wife and sex was an issue not very long after we were married, and got progressively worse after she had children.

I put her lack of interest down to the children and my job, which was unusual hours. All these factors put a strain on our relationship. I truly believed that she was just not interested in that aspect of marriage and she also made comments to suggest that she thought that was the case.

Now after reading your book, which I completed in one evening, I now understand what was going on.

In many sections you describe our relationship perfectly.

You are very perceptive.

Although my marriage is now over, I am glad I found your website.

I will take the information forward into another relationship and make the effort to make it work. I just now need to get another woman.

Once again thank you for enlightening me about the way a woman’s mind works.

Regard S
Hi James,

I have finished the book and I have to say it has been an awakening experience.

Ive made modest changes in how I view things and I have seen modest
changes in our relationship.

I'm determined to make this work and become a better
person in the process.
Hi James,

Thanks for your beautiful insight about how the mind works.

It's like you hypnotize a woman with her eyes wide open....Man you’re just great.

This Young Guy Risks Prison (and possibly death) to get his hands on a copy of Super Sex Power

Hi CR James

You are wonderful....

In fact early that I saw your book advertisement I didn't believe it, but after awhile I began to read your emails, at first it seems to be ridiculous for me because they are so simple but when it worked, I wondered that they are absolutely practical, something that I call "real life teaching".

so I decide to buy your book as soon as possible, but there is a problem, I live in Iran and not one of Iranian bank give credit card, master card or something look like that, so what should I do?

I decide to mail you a check, but you know Iranian banks, relations with other banks, especially United States, was cut after religious revolution, and I decide to go in other country to get master card or credit card or something like that but you know in Iran we have to pass soldering period "time that we should work freely for forcesses" to get allowed to go out of country.

In fact your book [and things like that] is forbidden in Iran because of religious government, and the only way that I could learn this kind of life is by your ebook, something that will change my life.

Could you tell me how to get your ebook????

Thank You
Ali E. Student of Tehran University Iran


More Information About Super Sex Power

"In less than a minute, she is rubbing me"

Now I I hadn't seen anything from you for a while so I decided to send a status report along with a request for your advice. I purchased your book a while back and have read it clear though and am working on my second time through for a more in depth study.

SUCCESSES: My most recent successes were this last weekend. My wife and I have started dating more and this past Friday we went out for another great evening out.

After [doing an SSP technique] for the evening she surprised me with some driving distraction (hasn't happened since before we were married) before getting home and continuing with a great evening in bed.

Saturday I took the kids to my folks house and returned home in the evening in time to go to our periodic trip to the local dinner theatre.I continued in my real man role including [doing the tips in SSP].

When we got home, I thought that even though she is seldom ready for sex two nights in a row, I'd give it a try. After working for a while to get her in the mood…. I started to step things up a bit.

She immediately stated that her "interest level was pretty low right now". I told her "[something mentioned in Super Sex Power]."

With that, I immediately [did something powerful that is mentioned in Super Sex Power].

In less than a minute, she is rubbing me and trying to increase my interest level!

We soon we're at it and ended with her having a great [vaginal]-orgasm (which are infrequent but happening more).

Thank you for your time and help.....


More Information About Super Sex Power

I knew some of this stuff when I was in high school and never had any problems getting women. Then I got married and got comfortable & mentally lazy and it went predictably downhill. We stayed together and still loved each other and all that stuff but our dynamic of being together and our sex life had problems. I knew she was pretty bored with me even though she was staying.

She had total control of our lives and my lazy self was comfortable with that even though I knew it was taxing on her. Lazy like I said.

She's a great woman and I wanted to make things better for her and make her happy again but I lost touch and didn't know how to do it. Went searching the internet and found your stuff....

Whoa. :>),

I eased into it, digesting it and bettering myself first, gaining sexual value with her, using your techniques and whoa. I got her on the run, thinking differently, asking me what happened to me, and loving it.

She craves me now, chases me, and is happier lately than she's been in years.

Sex is better than it has been in years and I don't even approach her for sex since going through your material,

she has been (attacking) me lately and doing things she's never done before!

Yum Yum!!

I hope you get rich selling this material.

You helped us somuch and I got my mind back on track. Thanks a bunch

(Don't print my name guy, please) She's all over the net and if she clued in on where my change came from, she'd react negatively to it.

Thanks again


Low Sexual Value Guy CURES His 180 Day Uber-Drought

Thanks CR!

After 6 months without, she has said yes for this weekend!



CCCE = Super Charisma

cr, keep up the good work everyone.

I've read over your material 4 times, it's a real struggle for me But the changes are slowly happening. Ccce = super charisma is a good one for me.

It'll take a long time before I can understand and master the material because i feel like a special student when it comes to females. again I would like to say" keep up the good work."

special student a.k.a. Matt

“...works like magic, its awesome shit!!”

Hi Mr.James,

I haven’t had time to study in detail and apply your material, but what I have had time to analyze/apply so far, works like magic, its awesome shit!! Not to mention all the free bonus stuff, I Love it! I really appreciate your material


“We are starting to have sex again!” “You have to love the look on my wife's face when she is in the middle of her orgasms!”

Thanx for the [Customer Report]!

You are so right! At one time I was so into analyzing what turned my wife on, that I would constantly be asking her what and how she wanted it. She couldn't tell me!

She didn't have the means to comunicae this to me.......... no wonder I have been frustrated all these years!...in pursuit of some information she would never be able to give! It's starting!

I'm learning and my wife is starting to wake up from her "Husband induced Sexual Coma". We are starting to have sex again! P.S. You have to love the look on my wife's face when she is in the middle of her orgasms!

"That formula alone was the biggest piece of the puzzle to me in turning my life around"


Thanks again for sending me these books. I have read through them and once again you are absolutely right on what you have written. I noticed a few important parts in the new writings are reiterations of key points from "SSP". Why I have not mentioned this before I don't know, but I feel it is important tomention that your "Super Charisma" formula is more important than maybe even you might realize. That formula alone was the biggest piece of the puzzle to me in turning my life around. I did change internally like you said, but I now take that formula with me everywhere I go.

Even though I am happily married to my dream woman, I have now begun to put myself back into the single mode when I am around all women. This is very good practice to what you have written and can be applied to my own marriage.

For instance, when I [do a certain thing] I then refer back to your writings to try and test my sexual value on all of the women. Confidence, confidence, confidence! There is a reason that it’s the first component of "Super Charisma". .... What a difference!

Whenmy wife [is exposed to something], she gets turned on because [of something] You discussed two important points in these latest writings (which I cannot find at the moment).

One of these mentioned that if a woman [experiences something] she will make a point to restake her claim which up your sexual value in her eyes. I have noticed this with my wife. Point proven. I am now re-reading these latest 3 books. Every time I reread something of yours, I pick up on something different. I will let you know what I pick up on next time. I know the email is long, but I feel this all needed to be said. Thanks. again!

<< CR Replies >>

you're welcome

the super charisma formula is powerful and simple. i think. in fact as you probably noticed you can use it for everything (not just for becoming desirable to your partner)i'm really glad you appreciate it...


More Information About Super Sex Power
“...she was flirting outrageously - seriously, I was getting embarrassed...”

hey cr..

...things have been pretty hectic and well, realise there's always more to learn, but doing pretty damn well with the stuff i've learnt from you already..

mate, the funny thing is, it's really just the norm now - i'm getting kinda used to what to expect from a girl now, and aren't that surprised when they do ridiculous shit anymore..

one little story - i know you love em.. on sat night just gone, i had to stay at a co-worker's family house in order to be at work early next morning.

She's got a hot daughter who i'd met once before, and had given me the ice-queen treatment at that meeting..

i was thinking "perfect", let the games begin..

anyway, by the end of dinner she was flirting outrageously - seriously, i was getting embarrassed....

I found out she lives with her boyfriend in sydney - dunno that helped, as I probably pushed her further away and intensified everything. she ended up stealing my number out of her mum's phone and sending me multiple texts after everyone had gone to bed detailing

a) how horny she was and
b) what she was doing about it..

this is a prim and proper miss showgirl... , which i also think she was we did actually develop a pretty cool connection surprised at

somehow this swedish girl i'd been seeing came up (seemless dude ;) and everyone wanted to see a photo of her - yep she's blonde, blue eyed, 6ft tall and drop dead gorgeous, and in the one photo inmy phone she's looking longingly into the camera with her head against mine while I'm playing the fool with a dickhead look on my face..

it's like all those little signals (the arcade sounds) just get ticked off as we go, and i'm kinda a few steps ahead most of the time...

although all women are different, they are, as you've said, all very predictable in their responses to certain stimuli - i guess I was surprised at first when even hot, intelligent, high-self-esteem, savvy girls went just the same way as young, impressionable ones..

they're maybe a little better at hiding things (ie more sublte), and maybe they hold out a bit longer before they throw their game away and join in with yours..

anyway, thanks again for everything so far - you definitely gave me some tools to effectively work through an incredibly difficult period of my life through separating with my wife and best friend of 13 years (which at 31 is a fucking long time ;) and now on with having some fun and meeting heaps of new people..

The best thing is i'm aware of lots of the things that went wrong in our relationship and feel pretty safe in the knowledge that they'll never happen again so there'll be other challenges, but it's a good feeling.

take care

“...it gave me the power to talk to women and touch them with words”

Hi CR, The circle is complete.

When I first bought [your product] about a month ago it gave me the power to talk to women and touch them with words. Everything is easy now. It is fun to inspire beautiful girls in a natural way. The only thing is I am too busy to set up a date.

I am always driving taxi and have no time to rest much less spend half an hour or an hour talking to girls. Yet in the five minutes or so they sit in my car I've had the opportunity several times to get numbers but what's the rush, let me enjoy watching them squirm a little bit. I now have [Super Sex Power] and at this point in my life I have saved enough cash to retire.

I am 31.

You are the best teacher I have ever had.

<< CR Replies >>

Thanks earl! I appreciate your comments greatly. i never get tired of hearing how incredible and super awesome my amazing wisdom is.... (it's very humbling. lol)

Seriously, I think it's cool that you were able to take action because you actually can use the information...you'd be surprised how many guys just read it and that's it... And the truth is there are a lot of beautiful and sexy women in the world... peace my friend... and good luck with the very early retirement...


“I have enhanced my ability to approach and converse with females tremendously”

Well I probably did ask how do I become irresistible to women but now it's no longer a question I have because I have enhanced my ability to approach and converse with females tremendously. Well thanks for everything

Hey, your advice has been really helpful.


Thank you so much!

You have made memore successful in my relationship, you are one smart dude =D!

Thank you for these reports,
they are awesome!!!

Cheers mate. You're a star.
Revolutionised my marriage too!

“I have improved my relationship with my wife too. (22 years of marriage)”

Dear CRJ: I have read you book and really my objective was to relate better with the opposite sex whom I always had a phobia for, for no reason. My emotions were having the best of me whenever I was in company of females.

Well your advice works like magic.

I now have the confidence like you. i have used the seduction principles so much so that it is part of my whole approach in communication. I have improved my relationship with my wife too. (22 years of marriage).

Recently I joined a new company where I already have the women going crazy over me because of the magic formula of CCCE. Like I said I just use it all the time.

The thing is, I have created such attraction in one of these women to the extent that she has responded to me in such a way...

... that she is virtually stalking me now.

<< CR Replies >>

hello R thanks for the kind words.

that happens a lot --- guys increase their sexual value with their wives and then other women go nuts --- there's no real (easy) way to isolate it - obviously...

take care my friend
cr james

“Your material more than pays for itself in the first day. My self confidence has sky rocketed 200%!!!”

"CR James Thank you for your material!

Your techniques have already given me amazing progress! I actually have had two different girls (an 8 and a 9) come up tome and say there was something different they liked about me but didn't know what it was.

If I wasn't using your material to try and save mymarriage I would be out dating hot babes right now instead of emailing you.

Thank you for being one of the few guys out there that help men find the knowledge they really need to build a happy balanced relationship. Your material more than pays for itself in the first day. My self confidence has sky rocketed 200%!!!

You’re a life saver,

More Information About Super Sex Power

“I was at the end of my rope but after some hesitation I bought your materials.”

Dear Mr. James,

I just have to write and tell you something.

You have changed my life. Let me explain. I am a good looking, physically fit, successful, 37 year old man. I have no trouble meeting women. But after 11 years of friendship I came to realize that I could never settle down with any woman because I would always compare them tomy best friend.

She is a beautiful, successful woman, who I have a strong connection to. For years our friends wondered out loud how come we didn't date. Part of it was because I was to busy nailing everything that crossed my path. I love chasing pussy but have no tolerance for commitment.

But over the past two years I tried to get involved with a couple of women, but my best friend kept ruining them by coming on to me. But then after I ditched the other girl she would back a way. Then a couple of months ago she started coming on to me again, this time because several of the girls in our group started really coming on to me. So we started messing around again.

Then she backed off again. This I really when I realized that we would actually make a great couple. I was so mad at her for messing with me I did a google search for "turning friends into lovers". That is how I found you. I was at the end of my rope but after some hesitation I bought your materials.

Thank you thank you thank you, Mr. James.

We are now exclusively dating each other and we both are very happy. And, I just bought your new reports from the tree portal, and we just had the best sex ever! She came on to me so hard, it was so out of her character. But I just followed your techniques and they worked like a charm. It is amazing how I do the things you suggest wondering "is this really going to work" then I get the results just as you say.

I hope you have much success with your program, because I will be looking for your info for years to come. I used to wonder if I could make her want me, now I wonder if she is ready to do back flips in bed yet, because using your technique, she is going to do them willingly.

By the way, any guy that doesn't have the balls to purchase your stuff I say to them, Good. Because now if I get bored with my new girl, I will have no trouble finding a replacement and the less guys that know how to satisfy their women the easier it will be for me.

So glad I found you and had the balls to purchase.

If all those guys looking for miss right at these on line dating services would just spend 1 month enrollment fee on your books, they would never have to waste a dime on those dating sites. Good for you Mr. James. But better for us.

Thanks Again. I look forward to your new books. You better e-mail me any time you write something new.

Keep up the good work! It's been keepingme and the Mrs very happy ;-) Little does she know ... T

VIOLENT ORGASMS: “I have to tell you that I almost chickened out and bailed on the entire process.”

HI CR, Just a short note to tell you thanks for taking your time to create this great resource (Super Sex Power). I have had more sex in the past month than I have in the past year.

I would and will recommend it to anyone. I have at least one friend who has worse sexual value problems than I ever had so as soon as it is appropriate I will recommend to him your e-book. I tried [one of the “controversial” and “gutsy” SSP techniques] I have to tell you that I almost chickened out and bailed on the entire process.

Everything within me said I was doing the wrong thing and I should have done things differently.

Anyway I stuck to my guns and came home early today when I knew she would be home alone (no kids). I started talking to her [and doing something very powerful] and as soon as I put my hands on her and started kissing her she immediately began rapidly undressing me and grabbing my crotch.

Shewas so HOT!

We had sex right there in the kitchen and after a couple of violent orgasms I carried her into the bedroom for another 30 minutes of wild sex.

I was totally in control and she was loving it.

I know she had more orgasms than she ever had in 20 years of marriage! For 20 years we did not know what we were missing. Well I better go now because she just got home and she does not need to see this email.

Thanks again,

<< CR Replies >>

incredible russ!

you actually reminded me of something that i haven't taught or placed a lot if emphasis on and that is 'sticking to your guns' (as you put it)...

I'll be definitely using your story as inspiration for others... because many guys will bail out when things start to feel uncomfortable... "And true growth takes place when you operate outside of your comfort zone"

i forgot who said that, but i always thought that it was a powerful quote...

At any rate, it was the 'mindstate' for you that allowed you to get her hot and steamy ...

and from your email, it seems like she was horny as hell.. .lol good luck...

here's a 'customer only' report for you, not sure if you ever got it before... (but if not, here it is)

[link removed]

Thank you again CR.

I did not have the report but now it is in my permanent library.

PS. I really think my wife is happier because of the things I am doing. No Guilty Guy here. LOL

Super Sex Power Customer gets BUSTED! LMAO

Warning: Hide your SSP files in a safe place.

CR Hi.

I just wanted to mail you and let you know how much I enjoy reading you tips and Ideas. I have one problem though.

She's on to me !!!!

She found all the tips and downloads on my computer and read through the files and information and now all my hard work and `smiley face` have just blown up in my face.

I am trying to do some damage control but she is so totally suspicious of everything I say....

Help man help!!!

She thinks I wasted money on a book that teaches me how to fuck other women (and it does he he he ) but she missed the point about making your marriage a better one!

You must have mentioned it at least one hundred times in your reports, but she didn't seem to get it.

I really am intrigued with your stuff, but if I don't find a way to turn this situation around, it's gonna be a long cold winter in the dog house.

What would you do in this situation?

<< CR Replies >>

actually it's not that bad - at least i don't think so. lol.. in fact i've been waiting for this to happen. and finally it did... (at least it's the first time someone has reported this to me)...

i think her reaction determines what steps you need to take... so how exactly did she respond? what did she say? the idea that she thinks you might be saying something to turn her on isn't a bad thing...

as you can imagine, my fiancé is totally suspicious of everything I say... so use it to your advantage...

but in order to do that, it's a matter of guiding her perception --- or helping her see it as a good thing...

i tend to think it should be an "easy sell" - especially since many women have purchased Super Sex Power for their husbands...

but some women don't "get it" - and to help them get it - it's best to analyze their emotional response...

PS – you do know that you’re not supposed to put your "SSP.pdf" (and other files) in your "My Documents" folder! lol.

More Information About Super Sex Power
“The help you have given me is immeasurable...”

Mr. CR James,

I recently purchased your info and after one week I can see big improvements in how my wife and I are with each other.

It remains to be seen when things will change for good.

The help you have given me is immeasurable.

I knew that what you are saying was inside of me all along, but you have helped bring it out.

Thank you!

“You will single-handedly help me turn my marriage around!”

Mr. CR James, I sent a message to the "opinions@ etc...", but I just saw this email address and decided to write to it.

I have a question or two and I have questions come up when I am reading your material. I have found what you have to say is to the utmost truth and I can now say that I am a totally new person thanks to you!

You will single-handedly help me turn my marriage around! If you will email me back I would appreciate it. There are a few more things that will help me advance even further. Thank you for all you have done and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,

“...most intelligent and balanced and logical advice I have read so far.”

Hey... I have read through a lot of your stuff and I think it is very solid and it is the most intelligent and balanced and logical advice I have read so far.

I just got out of a relationship because it lost its flair mainly because I was too much of a PUSSY and when I realized it I became too much of a DICKHEAD.

I followed it up with the same formula right after with the next relationship. At the end of your main book you start to directly address a balance act under your section about MFM + GF = [??????].

Basically if your formula were a ride it would be a straight line right in the sweet spot in a perfect location.

This woman reveals why she is craving a “good one”

Hi James, Thanks for giving me the time.

It is a new relationship. ..7 months. At first the attraction was his principles. I had come out of a relationship where my man was unfaithful to me (even though the sex was the greatest ever!! He has this idea that God has given him this gift to satisfy women and so he must! he is a natural to all that you are talking about)

Anyway the attraction with this other was that I felt for once I did not have to keep tracking him. He is Italian and struggles with English. Some times I think he is stupid!

The attraction is wearing thin.

He does not stimulate me mentally! He can have erections after erections immediately one after another (ok I admit that was an attraction too but the point is I feel angry with him and don't want to have sex with him although I am craving for a good one!

Then I think about my ex! I want this relationship to work because Mr Italian loves me to bits and he is a good man.

What is the point of being with an sexciting person who is going to let me down? Society has changed and it is difficult to build a future with someone on shaky foundations.

I have tried helping Mr Italian by telling him about the things you discuss but.................. argh!!!!

(maybe we could translate your works into Italian)

Now he does not try to have sex with me because he respects me too much!

But it scares me that my body is screaming for sex but not with him!

I want this to change............ don't I?

Or maybe I should not play it so save and take the risk of being hurt yet again?

I am 43 and still very attractive and look like a 30 (lucky me) but I want to settle and have a child.

Time is running out. I am at the moment even thinking of being unfaithful!!(disgusted with myself)

I am prepared to hang in here if he is able to regain his sexual value.


Ms. J

"The moment she came home from work she actually tackled me on the couch!"


First let me start out with a compliment , Man you really know your stuff and the easy to follow simple terms , the way you write is unbeatable.

I used simple techniques first I did a little something I sent her a text message telling her [“a technique in SSP”] I also told her [something else that works like a charm]

That day I sent the text I also told her [“one of CR’s favorite things to say to a woman”].

The moment she came home from work she actually tackled me on the couch!

So I said hi as I always do with a hug and a kiss. So I'm sitting on the couch and she puts her feet on me I looked at her with wide eyes and said [“something else”]. So she grabs me and I can tell how she kisses me that she's trying to entice me to go upstairs well I said hey I gotta bail and run home to take a shower cause we were going to see a concert.

She said oh ok.

So I waited a few minutes and went upstairs with some bullshit excuse and she was in her panties putting lotion on. So she grabs me throws me on the bed I kissed for a minute or two and said listen I'll be back l8tr she said oh ok.

Like a little girl who lost her pet..LOL

so I leave come back later and she’s asleep on the bed. ATTENTION competition....

so I did [something], grabbed her hand then let go. She grabs mine and I let go. She kisses me on the cheek. ....I said [a one syallable word] and it drove her nuts!

We get home and she is hugging me [so that I can kiss her] I know she was waiting for me so I just [did something powerful]... and she grabs me and just starts kissing me.

I [kept building the sexual tension] for about an hour, DUDE don’t know [exactly what was going on] but I wasn’t touching her anywhere but her back, her hair, her thighs.

I didn’t touch the sweet spot! And out of nowhere she scoots her panties over to side and tries to make her own penetration! [after that] it was on!

NEXT TIME I’M DOING THE FISH FILTER thing [a “fan-favorite” technique].. LOL

You are the GOD of seduction!

PS BY the way I don’t catch Poison IVY.. LMAO

“...can see how it can not only be fun, but like you say, powerful... I might use it for the women at work!”

Hey CR,

Thanks for the great essay on 'smiley face'!! I'm about 1/2 way through it and can see how it can not only be fun, but like you say, powerful. I remember that girls like fun things too.

I might [use it] for the women at work! Maybe eventually women I don't usually talk to will come up to me and want to [do something “magical”] that would be crazy.

“I make her crave it until she is begging.”

Hello CR, wanted to write an email. As you already know I have told youmany times before your system works and it works well, It's like magic. Short story well sort of so sit back and deal with it.

All kidding aside I have used your methods recently with great success, I have personally emailed CR asking him how to handle the girlfriend that THINKS she wants to date again. Well CR I did exactly as you suggested.

She never brought it up but I did. Longer story shorter, well most cases she would call me ask me to come over and spend the night, so she started with the testing method by saying [something] can’t explain what’s going on I'll put it in email, I said listen if you think you need to date go ahead and date maybe we'll both find other interests that are better for us, maybe this relationship isn’t for me, maybe us isn’t for you.

Well this 1 night I didn’t confirm nor deny I was going out with the guys I was actually just tired she called and text me about 4 times thinking something was wrong with our relationship, I have no problems having sex with her because I use your methods and create that sexual tension not the minute were in bed but all day...

I [do something powerful] and she gets to the point where she tries to get me to [have] sex...

I make her crave it until she is begging.

Anyway I use this technique the same way I do when we are out or hanging out at home I make her crave me I give her a little than take away create excitement.

Well CR she has 3 female roommates 3 now you know I use this to my advantage without it being obvious because only a fool would flirt with his girlfriends roommates but I still do little things like eye contact, confidence, compassion and being funny with every 1 of her roommates.

Women can sense competition, women feel and know if her friends are drawn to a guy or not She knows her friends think I'm an outgoing confident guy with a personality.

But most important CR I learned to be a man who thinks in his mind he has great sexual value I don’t do shit to please her I do shit to please myself. We were all supposed to go to a concert Thursday well my girlfriend can’t make it so she said I can’t go do you wanna go?

Knowing quite well she’s not about to have her boyfriend go to a concert with 3 of her girls who think he's a great catch, So I said yea I'm still going, guess what CR she found a way to go. Jealousy can work to your advantage as long as she doesn’t get crazy.

I also told her I don’t NEED another needy woman I want a woman to want me. Plenty of needy woman in this world and I had my fair share already. It's not what I said it's how I said it I told her what I want without being a prick or to pushy.

Laid back and mellow.Well thanks hard to explain so GUY GOTTA GET THE DAMN EBOOKS READ THEM AND TRY THEM.


thanks man

Guys learns a trick to take a “proactive role”

Hi CR I think the major thing in terms of getting more positive responses has been discovering who I am again and being pretty bloody happy about what I've found.

As a result it's definitely a case now of [doing something powerful] I think there's probably not much I'm doing that's extra special - I have used just about all your basic ideas in some way (yet to really explore the mind state ideas further and the stuff from your Lust Signals reports (which was unreal, but need to re-read it all)

One thing I have consciously done, and worked to develop the habit of [doing something powerful]... I try to do this while they are still showing lots of interest.. then to come back This seems to give them more incentive to take on a proactive role, which then means I can get a bit more nonchalant about the whole process - that then seems to kick them up another notch in terms of their interest. anyway, thanks again didn't get the smiley face tech report, but def interested


“In the past 2 weeks since I have read your book I can tell a big difference in myself and the way I act...”

CR, A complete turn-around of personality is not the easiest thing to accomplish; much like trying to quit smoking cold turkey. In the past 2 weeks since I have read your book I can tell a big difference in myself and the way I act.

However, at certain times I can tell myself slipping slightly back to my old personality. This is nothing major, but the second after an "old personality trait" comes out, I quickly make a mental note of it and focus on not letting it happen again.

I have reread your book 2 or 3 times now and I use it as a reference when I need reminding of proper ways to change. Now, as YOU were going through your transformation I'm sure that at least once you found yourself going back to your old "geeky" self (I think that's how you referred to it in your book).

Question: What did you focus on when you had moments like this? Anything specific? You didn't have this book to reference back to at times. At times I'll just walk into the house and mentally [do something powerful]".

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your feedback!

“I know I have a ways to go... I am the EH guy”

Hi CR, I have read half of this ebook and already my mouth is dropping open just because everything I have been doing and done with my significant and obviously past relationships was wrong and obviously unsuccessful. I realized that I am an EH.

I read that list of traits within the EH profile and it was me to a T almost. I grew up with 4 sisters and a mom and have always related to women well except in boyfriend girlfriend situations and any relationships I have had they’ve always ended sort of quickly or before they really get started.

I am then left in the dust and they generally move onto their next "jerk" and in some cases they return to me to cut my guts out and complain about the loser they just dated. The pain of that sort of situation caused me to stop that scenario from happening again.

I understand now the concept of my own Sexual Value and I have begun working on improving it just by [doing something mentioned in Super Sex Power] you provided.

I know I have a ways to go but I am the EH guy. I think it has a lot to do with [different things].

Thank you again!

This guy gets his girlfriend back

CR James Thankssss alott man!!! for real...

I dunno if you remember me or not..but a long time ago I asked your help when I broke up with my g/f ...

You sent me an email with 3 pages...


Thanks again man..
You’re a remarkable guy....

An email from a woman who really breaks it down

First let me tell you that I really enjoy your emails. Although I'm happily married now for 11.5 years, I've always been intrigued by the dynamics of attraction and repulsion so I read on.

Also, I like to keep up with new ideas and keep hubby interested and challenged. I found your site by accident while looking for info for a friend who was trying to get his new GF to dump him (a bit wishy washy, he hates to be the one to end it and watching his relationships in their deathrows can be agonizing.) Anyway, I read your ????? report and this is a sick sick sick situation.

Poor guy probably thinks if he is nicer she will eventually respond to him, or is equally in denial that he is still married in any meaningful way at all.

Also illustrates beautifully how some people are attracted by the very behaviors they claim to be hurt by. Sue seems as if she can only be happy with someone's boot pressing into her neck. She lays down in front of a door and writes "Welcome" on her stomach. Perceptions go so much further. Look at a pencil. From the side, it is a line, from the end, it is a pink rubber circle, from the point it is 2 concentric circles, this is just a pencil, how much more complex is an interaction between 2 human hearts. "A woman without her man is nothing." A woman without her man, is nothing A woman - without her, man is nothing.

If our language is so imprecise that 7 words in the same order can have opposingmeanings, how much more so complex issues of the heart. If you choose to perceive every slight and insensitivity as a 'punishment' for something you did that was 'bad', if you imagine nefarious

motives for even acts of kindness, then you are your masochist's own sadist. If your lover tells you that you are beautiful and you choose to interpret this as saying that you are dim-witted, then you are choosing to abuse yourself. How does the dynamic of the story change if when he said that she was beautiful, and with a flip or her hair and the wink of her eye she laughed and smiling, purred back, "and brilliant too" landing a bit wet one just under his ear. Had he responded that he loved her for her intelligence, she would have surely interpreted this as him saying that she was unattractive.

But you have a point when you speak with her, if she is unhappy, she is free to leave.When he is dragging her through a crowd she is free to drop his hand, walk away, and leave. Go to a movie, take a taxi or bus home, etc. She chooses to be with this person. Not that there are no true psychopaths who would hunt down an ex-lover, or people who find themselves legally bound to spiritual vampires, but Nobody can treat you like a doormat if you don't lay in front of a door. Likewise for him, dating a woman who thinks you are an awful boyfriend is also a form of masochism. Often women find they can control their men by setting unrealistic standards for romance, support, chivalry, etc. and then rubbing their noses in it when they fall short. This can also be abusive and degrading to someone's self esteem.

It works both ways. People seek out and are attracted to what they feel in their deepest soul that they deserve. If you feel you really deserve someone who is wonderfully loving and a great mate in almost every way, then you will find one. If you feel that you do not deserve to be loved and cherished but abused and emotionally brutalized, then you can find that too. Often in the same person. Sue is a great example. She also (if she is a real person) needs a really good therapist. Thank you again for your newsletter and a really great example.


“So far your book is enlightening...”

Dear CR James,

Yesterday I downloaded the 163 page booklet and I am going through it now. So far your book is enlightening, as I, despite having success with women over many years did and still do not know, exactly how the buttons get pushed and how to [get women horny]. I believe that the information will be revealing, I see almost everyday, how guys blow themselves up, trying to over analyse or compliment a female, but your descriptive prose is so far enlightening, I have almost read it in its entirety and wanted to see the extras as well.

With Kind Regards,

“I have slain 3 other women and I've met a 4th older woman who wants casual sex...”

Waaassaaap... hehe, How've you been?

No offense on ya memory but I'm the fella who was working to get his ex back... I figure you're a busy bee and prolly forgot exactly who I was... Well I have made much progress and yet still find new angles as I study ur books over and over..

In terms of the ex we have made progress as friends and a portion of that has been flirtatious.. She wants to see me on thursday and I'm thinking of putting the breaks on her by giving her a not so easy time and pushing some lust buttons hehe..

I'm patient but its been 2 yrs since we've had any physical contact and I believe she might be boiling for some affection from me.. or so it seems. I have slain 3 other women and I've met a 4th older woman who wants casual sex and wants to take me on her motorcycle for some fun this saturday, plus she's professional and has doe and likes to share it she says hehe... lets see how that goes..

I let go of my perfect picture of my ex getting back with me unmarked like some nice movie.. I know shit happens and maybe its really over but this time I see how I'm the prize and how shes losing out...

well on my way to work so I'll fill you in with more soon..

Love, piece, and alot of G's...

Ill be in touch, Thanx CR,

your material is the best I have ever read - and I have read A LOT!!

“...she was all over me! Tongue Down The Throat!”

I have been trying to hook up with my LJBF for months.

When she would be over at my house and I received a phone call, I would quickly end the call by saying [something], letting her know she was special.. .right? Well, I got fed up with the lets just be friends routine and started [doing something effective] . Yesterday she called me and I pulled the same thing on her....

CR, you said in the report to look for a change?

When I went to her house this morning to take her on a job interview....................

she was all over me! Tongue Down The Throat! Yea, I saw the change alright. I'm back on top now!

Thanks,,. it does work!
S. from Texas

<< CR Replies >>

cool story... she's talking about relationships - you're the man! some guys never do anything after that read the books that they have paid for.. .they're actually scared of the woman as if she is a 700 foot cobra with death venom!!!

(even though women are tender, soft and fun)

keep me updated. i never get tired of reading emails from guys who actually take action...

take care my friend...

“I won’t be surprised if centuries or even decades from now your information is required reading...”

CR, Reading over most of your reports, I am understanding better a huge problem in my marriage.

You see, for some odd reason I have no problem making other women fall for me (which I have often done unintentionally) simply because when I see a woman I like, I engage with her and I absorb myself into her and into our conversation.

The minute her eyes start to widen up, and her body language shifts, I know she is attracted to me. My wife has complained that I have a bunch of girl-friends (girls who are just friends but who I would be repeatedly screwing were I not married) and not enough guy-friends.

... Your information is truly king.

I won’t be surprised if centuries or even decades from now your information is required reading for those in the: Marriage/Counseling/Behaviorial Psychology fields.


Your graciously,

More Information About Super Sex Power

“I even made this girl cum, in under a minute, while she was still wearing her trousers!”

Well you definitely have some worth while information to teach...your stuff if you pardon my language cuts out all the shit and explains things just as they should be explained.

I am really enjoying reading the book.

It "makes sense" with how I understand things already.. .but reminds you to apply it if you know what I mean, and also further ingrains it in the reader’s knowledge.

I came out of a relationship a few months back and as I am reading through the book my thoughts are like "oh yeah that happened. ..and that.. .and that!"

It's freaky, but I can actually identify that, in the beginning of my last relationship I was acting in many of the ways instructed by you, and getting mind blowing sex, I even made this girl cum, in under a minute, while she was still wearing her trousers!

She had a look of disbelief on her face just before her orgasm as she felt herself just about to cum.

As we grew closer, of course I let my guard down and fell into other behaviours (the wrong ones...as described in your book), and the same girl who couldn't keep her hands off me (even in public) would now not let me near her.

Of course, I made the mistake of [something mentioned in Super Sex Power] etc etc..

you know the score. It's a learning process though, and it's amazing how the whole thing can actually be explained in a linear fashion.

Well done you've done a sterling job.

“...it was the best book about attracting women and understanding them i have seen so far.”

Hi there CR James i just wanted to congratulate you on your success with your book, it was the best book about attracting women and understanding them i have seen so far.

I've bought books like "[?????]" "[?????]" "[?????]" and you’re right all of them have the same information but it was written different.

It wasn't well written and have examples and step-by-step guides to help like your book did.

Hey bro thanks heaps for everything so far.

My brother told me about this book and I have found it amazing! I only read it yesterday and haven’t tried anything yet. I’ll give you a brief rundown on my situation.. I am engaged and have been since Nov last year. It was a bit rushed but I truly thought she was the one... I still do but things definitely have to change..

I have never been with a girl that I truly cared about before..

I have slept with about 100 girls before and more often than not had a few going at the same time.. so maybe because I didn’t really care about any one in particular they all were keen?

My bro told me to read this book [Super Sex Power] cause he thinks I am the master of pulling girls and wanted to know what I think.

After reading this book I realise that I am a lot of the undesirable things and explains why my girl is no longer horny for me.

I have been living in a fairytale!

but I never bullshit myself and I can see that you are the light! I always want to be honest with myself and I have felt incredibly insecure with her.

I have thought that she has been cheating on me and have been anxious when she is away from me. I used to be her MFM and with GF became her SSM and actually got together with her when she had another boyfriend..

Thank You mate! Benj
Hi CR.

I really enjoyed your take on sexual value.

It's simple, understandable, and makes perfect sense. I'm using some of your suggestions to increase my sexual value. Thanks for the help.

Hi CR, You ripped me off and I want mymoney back.......... just kidding!

Actually I find your work brilliant.

In my conversation with two girls {just above average beauties} I could see them squirm with tension while fishing for answers. The way the second girl answered me I could tell she was a virgin. These girls actually liked me talking to them.

Compared to "[????]", and "[?????]" which made me lose my way, your strategy is concrete.

The confidence explanation was superb.

Money well spent.


Thanks I will take advantage of it.

You are a genius.
I feel I've received excellent value for the money I spent

Hi CR, Thanks for the new reports. I feel I've received excellent value for the money I spent. I've read [Super Sex Power + the bonus reports]

Once thru, just to familiarize myself. I'm on my way out the door to buy a couple notebooks to organize everything, so when I print it all out, I can seriously study the material.

...all I can say is I'm basically starting OVER with my wife. If it's possible, I think I worked things so that I have NEGATIVE sexual value. I got a LOT of work to do. But do it I will. Thanks again for the support.

Portland, OR

Customer sees the value in his SSP course

Dear CR James,
I dearly value your new books.

keep me posted always.

“...it becomes almost too easy to believe”

Yea. The funny thing is that it is coming out in my favor. She dresses more like a wife than a mom now. For Mother's day she dressed relaxed and let me take the lead in the restaurant.

I did ease up and I spent a few days being supportive. When the kids where out of the house this weekend, I [did something powerful] and then made the move in the kitchen.

She was especially willing and giving.

After the fact, she respects me and my space more. Although at the time of the [???? technique] she was furious.

I believe she is more reseptive to me because of the technique. In a flash of inspiration, I suggested that the past anti-seductiveness has been solved when the doctor's made their diagnosis on her.

My wife has always prided herself on being hard to get and being above the cut. Since the kids, its been increasingly difficult for me to initiate sex. I like the idea of the points and the happiness of the smiley face technique. I think this is the future.

She sees herself as the one with the goods and doesn't want to appear cheap. I've had some success suggesting [something fun and sneaky].

I like the playfulness of having her beg for sex.

The [??? techniques] have done wonders breaking down her resistance to sex. She is a very proud woman. I can see she is trying to do a really good job for me and is enjoying herself. I can only hope that I can stay confident and continue to eliminate anti-seductive behaviours so that our intimacy and connection can continue to increase.

<< CR Replies >>


i don't think you have anything to worry about... it only gets better... seems you are definitely doing a good job of executing the tactics.. yea a lot of people like the smiley face...if you keep getting better at it, it becomes almost too easy to believe, but some guys tend to screw it up in the beginning by not paying attention to her 'responses' and her 'willingness' ...

have fun...
cr james

“I just grabbed her and shagged her and she didn’t complain a bit.”


LOL I know u must receive thousands of emails a day and 500 of them say what I just said but I had to send one in.

I just purchased your books [Super Sex Power] and am reading through them.

It’s 2 in the morning and i got to get up at 6 lol but I want to keep reading because your books make so much SENSE about every thing like (i’ve only just started reading so leave me alone) confidence and it making u stand taller without any thought and the sexual force. example all i could think about was shagging me misses while she was

bissy talking to me about her holiday and in the end i just grabbed her and shagged her and she didn’t complain a bit when normally she likes to wait, and the happy thing and just feeling positive.

My relationship just had a rook and we hung in by a thread but we been getting alone like a house on fire but i wanted to know more so i got this and there so much that’s true.

when I feel good before people have even talked to me at a checkout (female)they are more talk-a-tiv, and well I need to stand up 4 myself a bit more by the sounds of it lol.

At the start I was having trouble working out what u were saying but u keep using examples and it just clicks and I cant wait to c the effects it will do with my relation ship and life in general. I’m starting it now lol Thank u and I mean it.

my relation ship has always been a bit woobly for me but I’m confident it will work and if it doesn’t then I’m not doing it right and will have to read your books harder.

cause i got that special girl that i like the company of not just the hole between her legs and i don’t want to almost lose her again.


Sorry didn’t know whether to send it to this one or ur other one so i send it to this one i send it to this one

“That was the best cash I've ever paypal'd anyone in years!”

Your pdf files are amazing dude!

That was the best cash I've ever paypal'd anyone in years! Plus you keep sending me more stuff in my mail box [that only customers know about] and its loaded with awesome ideas.

I have been using your techniques for only a few weeks and omg the results have been SUBSTANTIAL!

Thank you so much for being such a cool guy to share this info. I can't believe how blind I was without it.


“My wife comes to ME for sex!”

Thank you. It is STILL working!

My wife comes to ME for sex!

Two weeks in a row she has sucked me off and then cum with my fingers up her ass.

She likes it and expresses pride in her new found abilities. We still fight and I count it as a [concept taught in Super Sex Power] and do my best to ride it out. She is very controlling and I just do my best (somedays better than others). ... I spent dozens of hours going through your ebook, taking notes.

It is relief to not have to worry about sex and instead build opportunity and state of mind.

I'm less likely to be antiseductive even when her behavior towards me compels me to do something stupid.

It’s almost like the work spent on building opportunity and state of mind has exhausted me so that I can let it go by me without comment as I don't have the energy.

I feel like she is racking up solid points on me, but when she takes me to bed I'm winning the war. She seems to be totally aware of what I'm after (sex), and she never misses an opportunity to slam me.

I saw a youth protection video on helping children cope with adult seduction techniqes and guilty guy is freaking out and I remind myself my wife and I are adults. She shows me every Oprah show or newscast with sex offendors and I prevail with happy thoughts and good intentions and build sexual tension.

Before I read your material, I [did something DANGEROUS].

And predictably, my relationship with her went down hill.

It is as you said, "THERE IS A ?????? AND YOU HAVE TO ????.”

Now I don't say those anti-seductive things and look for ways to be her MMF and give her connection by recognizing her with [SC Tactics]. I still have a long way to go in my goal to give her super happy sex until she has fucked herself silly, and now I feel I have the materials to work out the roadmap.

Thanks again.

“Thank you again this information is great! I have work to do.”

Wow, what a relief it was reading your [report] I discovered almost immediately that I, a man, naturally tend to communicate in the way you ascribed to women--indirectly and interpretively. This explains a lot about why friends who've tended to annoy me by being too obtuse also tended to have more problems communicating with women than men.

It also explains why I've always felt uneasy about communicating too directly, and tend to try to figure out what someone means and where there viewpoint comes from.

It's such a pity that I've been in a thoroughly male- dominated field ever since junior high school. Thank you so much for ever so slightly increasing my confidence that women will know what I mean.

“thank you for taking the time to write a book about seducing long term partners”

Dear CR James, I just finished reading Super Sex Power. having downloaded it last week.

Unfortunately I lost the other texts bundled into the offer on your website after my computer motherboard failed. I had only printed out the main book. Can you help? I also want to say thank you for taking the time to right a book about seducing long termpartners.

A lot of what you wrote rings true and I am already beginning to see my wife warm towards me for the first time in years.

I thank God that someone has recognised that seducing long term partners is a very different game to picking up random women!

By the way, I was very skeptical that your testimonials were from bona fide readers, but now I am one of them, I guess I was right to trust you.

God bless. (And please can I have the rest of the texts I paid for!)


“Love your book. love your attitude and generosity.”

Hey CR Love your book. love your attitude and generosity. Lots of good karma coming your way.

Thanks again.

Guys wants more and more tips

Thank you

James and please don’t stop mailing to me...give me more and more seduction tips and try to give me it in PDF format

thank you ones again james

yours faithfully

This guy thinks SSP should be taught in grade school. LOL “being in a relationship (MARRIAGE) for a while is where real skills are needed”

CR James, Man, your books should be the basic knowledge that all boys are taught in grade school!

I wanted to take the time out to thank you for knowledge that doesn't just tell you how to get women, laid, etc., but actually IMPROVE YOURSELF! I know it's long (5 paragraphs to be exact), but there's somany good points that I had to tell you my success story so far so that it may help anyone else out as well. If you need any more details to help anyone out, let me know.

To sum my progress all up, I have been married for 3 years to a beautiful petite super-smart, black but exotic looking 5ft 2in 110 pound wife that used to model and everyone even Ministers in our church (I'm employed there) says she should model (or women hate on her because she's got it like that *LOL*).

Anyway, she's as humble and down with guy stuff as it gets, but what happened was the sex was off the charts in the beginning, but I got LAZY and intoWUSSVILLE (didn't know it then) and all of a sudden the sex barely happened and I was getting good excuses (like she would always be busy or tired in some form or fashion, etc.).

Keep in mind that both her and I were master players and had our friends wanted to pimp like us because they thought we would be the last ones to settle down the way we had it before we hooked up. Now I have bought and read your books since June 24th this year (wife knows I bought and downloaded something, but I told her it was just some men stuff to make me a better man)...

and I know your information was a God send, but I was having trouble reprogramming myself to send the right signals all of the time. I was willing to change, but like you said, it was hard as crap to do so! The patience part is where the struggle is. It seems like what you are doing isn't working, but it just takes a LONG WHILE to build the sexual tension, value, etc. points to

the level where she will act on it consistently. Dating and getting some consistently is easy, but being in a relationship (MARRIAGE) for a while is where real skills are needed. After reading Suepr Seduction Power along with SLB, married women are easier to seduce, etc several times (at work and at home *LOL*), it finally clicked yesterday and the I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IWAS SENDING THEM anti-seductive signals ceased to exist and I was sending ONSLAUGHTS OF THE RIGHT SIGNALS!

I was frustrated so long with not getting the sex that I was used to from her that I was projecting those signals without even knowing it, so she wasn't even open to approaching me sexually (hence anti-seductive signals) no matter what right signals I sent.

It finally became natural for me to think about directing her mind state and making her happy instead of me trying to manipulate her by doing things to get blown and laid out (pun intended) *LOL*.

Here's the juicy part: I was using [something] to flirt like crazy with her on the phone during lunch break (it wouldn't work so well before because of my anti-seductive signals), so when I got home, she had this look in her eyes like he's my MFM when she greeted me.

I was [doing something powerful] As soon as she cleaned the table off, she came over to me, and lets say talk about sexually intense, I thought I was in themiddle of a porn being filmed! I finally brought out that nymph in her that I once knew and I didn't make my looks at her obvious or moan, so she kept getting into it more and more trying to get my attention!!! About 3/4s way into the sex, she says, now did I get your attention. I told her yeah, and then made her beg for my love rod (she actaually begged OUT LOUD for my [love rod]!!!!!!!!) by only putting the tip in after she had the whole thing while she was riding me, etc.

When I felt the begging was acceptable, I slid it all the way in and I gave it to her from the back like she was on punishment and she couldn't pull away because we were on the couch!

When we were done, I told her in her ear [something powerful] ...she is so fine, beautiful, and I love her. Normally, she would say I love you too, but she told me she loves my [love rod]!!!

I got her! This is the Rated PG version of what happened by the way *LOL*. The last part: When I [did something powerful] she was glowing like no tomorrow, and had that I'm going to screw your brains out when I get home from work look in her eyes that she had yesterday when I came home.

I think this [a particular SSP concept] where you can gain a TON of sexual value points. I heard the arcade noises both after I tore her up before we went to the movies last night, and when I walked her out to her car this morning.

That INTENSE look in her eyes is PRICELESS!

Thanks CR!!!!!

P.S. Just have faith and patience that if you stopped your anti-seductive signals and are sending the right signals, the sexual tension will be building in her no matter if it seems like she'll never act on them. Don't wuss out by showing that this waiting is bothering you and I promise you, when she puts it on you sexually, the wait will be well worth it!!!!

Atlanta, Ga.

This guy sees why many men out there are frustrated

I am deeper into the ******** piece and find it brilliant!

My congratulations to the author and all involved. I can't wait to devour the whole assemblage of items in your package. My immediate impression on perusing the material is that it is no wonder that most men are so inept and frustrated with women.

As with anything, it pays to know how things work and what you're doing.


More Information About Super Sex Power

This Smart Customer sees the monetary value of learning how to be more powerful with women

Thank you again!

Wow, man, you sure do give abundant value for the money you ask in return. I am very impressed.

I am a professional writer and have been for many years, and I know what it takes to put things together as you have done. Although I am only into your ******* so far, it is excellent, and I haven't begun to explore the remaining plethora of material.

Because I think you are at a place where you might appreciate the attached items, I am sending them to you.

They are some recent discoveries of mine that I find superb. Perhaps they are "old hat" to you, but, as they say, "nothing ventured...."

Just let me know.

Blessings, good sir,

Yikes: This lady exposes the “nasty facts” of what her Clueless Man was actually doing in the Bedroom

Thank you for answering so quickly! You asked me what I think the biggest issue is... I wish I knew! But some of it, I think, is that when he is horny, and I’m KIND OF in the mood, he advances too fast to “pussy and tits”, if you know what I mean...

That is not “where” I get horny!

I want to feel that he is a man, that he is confident. I want him to SEE me, to listen when I moan, and understand what he does to make me moan...

I’ve told him this two or three times, but he seems to remember for one night only. Sorry, I feel like I’m blaming him for everything and taking nothing of the blame myself.

But I’ve ransacked my mind so many times to understand why I don’t get turned on by him as easily as he gets turned on by me, and I can’t find any answers.

He is beautiful like a model, everything “looks right”. =)

But his sexual self-confidence seems to get stuck in a dead-end-road when I don’t give him confirmation, when I don’t respond positively to his sexual advances towards me.

He seems to take less and less notice of the signals I try to send him...

Maybe I’m too subtle, I am a bit “embarrassed” of my sexuality, maybe because of the way I was raised; sexual things was not to talk about. Maybe, maybe... I talk of a dead-end-road. I mean porn in particular.

I really like porn myself, and like watching hard core films, like him. He loves it, and loves that I like it, he says he feels lucky in comparison to his friends, their girls don’t like porn.

But sometimes it seems to me that he gets too much “inspiration” from porn, after all, it’s not like the real thing...

Things (fucking) get too stressed, and he fucks me fast (oh God, that’s good!!!), but then he gets too horny, and stops to keep from coming. I’m on the brink of coming, but he never listens to my sounds, and he thinks he has to fuck me for at least fifteen minutes for it to be “successful”.

I told him this a few times, but the message doesn’t seem to come through. I don’t want to “complain” every time we have sex, either...

So, there you go, a few of my thoughts.

Maybe confused, but that’s what I am.
Hugs, K =)

SSP Customer feels Guilty about seducing his wife and he is concerned about his new skill (as if it is a bad thing)

CR, Moving thru the readings.

I am guilty guy!
Irrational guilty guy.

Already had her initiate sex last night, wow!

Learning to split guilty feeling away from seduction might take practice. I don't want guilt induced sex. I do want her to want sex with me. Told her that I am attractive because of my intelligence, she must have thought if other women saw me that way because she asked if I am attracted women who are attracted to intelligence (who she thinks are not like her), I said they are boring.

She initiated sex.

I feel uncomfortable with this "power" because it sets me ahead of my male friends. This is intimate stuff, and they (like most guys) suck at it.

Will guys abandon friendship with me or what? What has been your experience, given I am not going to be as graphic as your descriptions.


Impatient Guy just need to know more about levels of communication.

Does your book talk more of the topic? Your material is amazing. Thanks Hi buddy. I don't have so much time. Just let me know where can I got more info of the topic of your [free reports]

That was an amazing pamphlet; let me know in wich of your e-books can I get more info.

Best regards...

Guy is getting ready to put the “great tips” to the test

Dear CR

Many thanks for your constant reports u do keep us busy with very interesting topic some of the item make very interesting reading although i must confess that i have still not made good use of all the great tips from u one of these days i shall put them to test.

Keep up the good work with best wishes

Thanks for your incredible source of information”

Hello CR James, Thanks for your incredible source of information-it is going to help strengthen my new relationship.

“interesting and powerful”

James, I am reading your materials that it is interesting and powerful because it really the same things happened to me but I was badly fell in love until losing my security and identity.

WOW! [She actually apologized for getting TOO HORNY...]

“...normally she wants me out as soon as both of us have cum but last night she just wanted to keep going”


I use a Fancy Windows edition from microsoft on a laptop my employer has loaned me.

It has a text to speech function on it that comes in handy when I want to read/absorb something while not being stuck to the computer. It allowed me to listen to most of the Super Sex Power book today while doing odds and ends around the house today.

Have you considered putting this into audio format for those who would do better listening or even something interactive like an educational board game. (Like Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Flow board game)

Being an outside the box teacher you probably know that there are several levels of learning and reading and wrote memorization are the slowest forms. (Hell, Kiyosaki might underwrite the whole thing if he reviewed your book. He says he's always putting money into projects that are winners. and your information is definitely a winner.)

I did make the mistake of trying to read some of the special information that came along with the download first because they were smaller files.

That was a mistake. (You may want to warn people to read things in order.

At first I thought you were being way too shallow and I felt you were giving examples that were too vague and in a non-measurable form.

What I now understand is everything is built off of the information in the Super Sex Power book. Silly me. Now that all that is said I would like to start over. I am thoroughly impressed with your work. You do a great job fishing out principles and then apply easy to use examples. I of course will need to re-read the Super Sex Power book several times and start practicing while I go.

While I got bits and pieces throughout the week I really got a bigger picture this weekend. Thanks.

Of course while going through all of this I was slapped silly over and over again by some of those descriptions of anti-seductive behaviors and personalities.

Then I was equally built up several times over for some of the things I've done right.Wow what a roller coaster. Anyway I have spent the last three days looking for some of the things I may need to eliminate and some of the things I need to work on. (In my behavior/speech patterns)

One of the things I've been missing was my wife has started a job that is an hour and a half away.

On top of that she works 12pm-8pm and she has responsibilities that keep her after hours. Well I had been griping that she needed to get home as soon as possible for the past two weeks.

I decided to [do an Super Sex Power Tactic]

Well, She dragged herself in around 1:30am and I was sleeping off and on since at least 12. I woke up enough to welcome her home tell her I loved her and as I climbed back into bed to fall back asleep I said [something powerful].

I can't say it was the comment I said or what, but 20 minutes later she was "waking me up"!

Sleep be damned I was wide awake, and she was hotter than she'd been in many many sexual encounters.

normally she wants me out as soon as both of us have cum but last night she just wanted to keep going.

She actually apologized.....

Which maybe, but she didn't try that last month or the month before and so on.


I'll keep you posted as things pick up.

Lady from Norway is tired of taking Libido Pills. LOL (I think she realizes that there is nothing wrong with her at all)

First of all, thank you for having a different perspective on this subject than ‘everyone else!’

I am a woman of 27 yrs, from Norway. I have lived with my wonderful boyfriend for 5 yrs. I just bought the book for him. I haven’t read the book myself, and I don’t intend to.

I was kind of encouraged when you emphasized several times (on the salespage - supersexpower.com) that the man shouldn’t let his woman think there is something wrong with her, if she doesn’t get turned on.

We had storming, hot sex for the first year or so, but since then things have been miserable... I rarely get turned on, and I have started thinking there is something seriously wrong in my head.

I get physically aroused, but not mentally.

I can be “wet”, but still not want to have sex with him. I started doubting my feelings: Do I really love him? And the answer is: YES!!!

So what’s the deal??

We’ve talked about this to boredom, but not much has changed. I think we’ve both reached the conclusion that I don’t have that strong a libido (as he does, or at all). This seems a bit strange to me, though, since I see myself as a sensual and sexy lady (lol).

He thinks I’m sexy, and tells me all the time (too often in bed, when I get “afraid” of him approaching me sexually...).

I really hope you can teach him some tricks, ‘cause I’ve run out of pills to take. ;)

This lady wants to spread the word

Hello, I received your 10+ page [FREE report] and found it of interest. I would like your permission to pass it on free to my customers.

I am willing to leave everything intact, same format with all of your credits and links in place.

Guy pays TWICE for SSP

WoW you are a good salesman....

I downloaded and paid twice for the Super Sex Power.

Its good reading ........

“I’ve really enjoyed SSP and the Lust Signals series”

Hi CR I have been reading everything you've written with great enjoyment.

I am starting to see limited results with my wife but still have a ways to go. I've really enjoyed SSP and the Lust Signals series. I was wondering if you've written anything more on States of Mind where women crave sex. Iike the few examples you had in SSP....

“Your perceptive powers about these matter are incredible”

Mr. James

Your perceptive powers about these matter are incredible. Regarding my last e-mail and based on your experience, is there any way I can get my wife to admit if she is telling me the truth?

“It really works because I don't believe I've ever been turned down”

Thanks James, Really appreciate the response and info. I've been reading the part of MFM and I find it so much along my line of thoughts and observations since I've been married these past 12 years. Like you I have been obsessive about how I can make my wife want me and desire me more often and I totally agree with the persona thing, health, and creating the right atmosphere, etc.

It really works because I don't believe I've ever been turned down unless she was on her period, had the flu, etc., she really is a great partner for me...

I mean we have sex on an average of 1/day, seriously I not trying to brag, but maybe some couples have it more often...I don't really know.

It's what I've watched and learned about her and it is true when these things are clicking she becomes more mentally in "the mood" to have sex.

“I for one have benefited tremendously from your work, especially being in a relationship for 13 years”

I have benefited tremendously from your work, especially being in a relationship for 13 years. Even though it is not totally perfect at present, things have definitely moved in a positive direction in only 10 days or so.

All the Best

“I like the insider tips to life, and every day stuff the general public don’t know”

Hi Cr, Thanks for the links . .

I like the insider tips to life, and every day stuff the general public don’t know of, but as usual its getting free time to read that stuff.. I have many topics on all aspects of things when you get 5 spare [minutes], E-mail what your after and I will do my best to find it for you.

P.S. and I agree with you about the amount of time wasters of there, but you always get the odd few that slip through the net.


“Thank you so much for ever so slightly increasing my confidence that women will know what I mean”

Wow, what a relief it was reading your guidebook on "Levels of Communication." I discovered almost immediately that I, a man, naturally tend to communicate in the way you ascribed to women--indirectly and interpretively.

This explains a lot about why friends who've tended to annoy me by being too obtuse also tended to have more problems communicating with women than men.

It also explains why I've always felt uneasy about communicating too directly, and tend to try to figure out what someone means and where there viewpoint comes from.

It's such a pity that I've been in a thoroughly male-dominated field ever since junior high school.

Thank you so much for ever so slightly increasing my confidence that women will know what I mean.

Exposed: Female SSP Customer is disgusted at what her boyfriend does during sex

Hi Mr. James, I actually bought this for my boyfriend because honestly I care about him but he does not inspire me.

Our sex life has gotten to the point where I go to bed before he does andmasturbate and he will wait and then come in (when he thinks i'm ready) and kiss me and touch me a little and then when I cum he gets on top and fucks me for a little and then rolls over on his back and waits for his blow-job.

I can't tell you how miserable this is.

I noticed in one of your reports (I think the first one) then you mentioned something about a woman wanting you to wait a year for sex and how this indicated that there was past abuse and female problems.

I hope you are not suggesting that this type of woman is useless.

I ............. until I was sixteen, does this mean that these techniques won't work on me?

Like I stated in the beginning I bought these for my boyfriend and I have read everything and it turns me on just reading it.

But he only read the first 1 or 2 pages and hasn't touched it since. He of course blames me and basically the way he is that he wants me to turn myself on and then jump his bones and fuck him and do all the work.


I only have sex with him at this point to save the relationship because we have a baby together. But to be honest I can't see myself spending the rest of my life like this.

Do you have any suggestions on how to reach him and see that i want more and I am thrilled at the idea of him being able to get in my head and understand how I work. He just seems so lazy!!


Student of Persuasion is fed up with the GARBAGE that is out there

Hey CR, how are you doing my friend? Well I have to tell you, if it weren't for the powerful information in your books, I would have returned it at the first sight of a grammatical mistake.

I mean come on man, your text editor should contain some kind of spell check function :) LOL I kept correcting your grammatically incorrect sentences in my head just so I could keep reading it. Now I want you to known that I'm very picky about what I buy, in fact if I could get something from a friend and not buy it, I would certainly do that.

But with you material, you hooked me with the idea of sexual perception. As I read your free reports, I kept wondering "how do I get perceived as a highly sexual male?" which is exactly where you wanted me :)

I've been studying persuasion for the past 5 or 6 years, and have read a lot of garbage during that time, including stupid hypnotic language tricks that would instantly get the customers to salivate and buy your product.

(I'm sure you know who I'm referring to)

...I finally saw the real secret to persuasion.

Given that his system is based heavily in perception, when I read your reports, it was like a breath of fresh air.

I thought, hey this guy is on to something here.

Previous to that I used to think to seduce girls you had to know all these techniques, and learn these "patterns" and recite them to her to get her panties wet.

Well, though I never actually tried it, I thought this was flawed somehow. Your book delivers right on the money. In fact if it were better written (i.e grammatically correct lol) it could be published and be made into a bestseller overnight as guys would simply recommend it to their friends and no advertising would be necessary.

You could literally take the divorce industry out of business ;)

Today, I'm going to read your book again, in fact I printed all 163 pages of it, and I will take careful notes so I can start applying it.

Thanks again for writing this book!


More Information About Super Sex Power

Building SEXUAL TENSION the right way is the key to getting her horny as hell

CR James, I want to first thank you for your e-books.

They helped me out tremendously. Okay, let me paint a quick picture before I ask my question. I've been happily married to my lovely wife for over 3 years now. She is a drop dead, stop traffic literally, petite, in shape gym certified, ex-model (well she still does fitness modeling) who can't wear dresses and such that average looking women can wear...

Women (yes I said women), let alone me can't keep their eyes off of her in and out of church, and I am constantly told how pretty my wife is by female co-workers, etc.

She has to stay covered up with a jacket, or she'll draw too much attention to her both from men and women.

Women always compliment her beauty when were out together. She's also just as intelligent as she is gorgeous, can you say she'll have her MBA in a few months, successfully worked for a BIG 5 Accounting firm, and she already runs our home business (I'm the VP *lol*).

I just wanted to paint a good picture of how fine my wife is CR.

I am very attractive, knowledgeable, and intelligent myself according to her and other women (they try get my attention in front of my wife everytime *LOL*). We have a very faithful, happy, and communicative marriage where we can talk about anything, good or bad to each other.

Now, thanks to your e-books, I used to be the guy that could pull a fine woman with ease, and get to sleep with her (before my Christian walk began *LOL*), and that's how it was with my wife at first, but I am confident enough to admit that I didn't realize over the years that I began doing little annoying things that was killing my sexual value with her.

At first I thought she was getting a low libido (but it was higher in the beginning), and I know our diet and a few other things were making matters worse.

Since your e-books (been less than amonth ago), I have recognized what I was doing and my sexual value has skyrocketed with her. Not only this, I foreplay with her mind at work all day long through e-mails, phone calls, our time at home, etc, communicating to her on HER level.

I used to always wonder why a woman would come left field out of no where with things before and now thanks to levels of communication, I know how women think!

Thank God! *LOL*. does), and you got MAJORLY TURNED OFF and PISSED and told her she killed the mood in a cool manner, (we even started out watching a porn and she was very sexually intense the first round before we turned it off to take a break),

then you UNCONSIOUSLY out of your frustration or disappointment WUSS FACTOR :( rubbed it in by explaining how you felt when she asked you if everything was okay, and she still wants you to cuddle with her afterwards (body language while sleeping and she lets you do it), and the next morning, you can tell that she is upset about what you said (whether you're right or not), but when you talk to her, I am getting the vibes that she is WAITING FOR ME TO PASS SOME MENTAL TEST of hers by saying or doing something.............

because of my sexual value I can tell that she still is sexually attracted to me (I THINK THAT'S IT, SHE STILLWANTS TO RIP MY CLOTHES OFF AND RAPE ME DEEP DOWN),

One last thing: The funny thing is I KNOW she feels the TENSION (sexually), because I EVEN FEEL THE TENSION AND WANT TO BANG HER OUT!

Thanks CR,

“your messages and training are extremely interesting.”
“top quality e-publications”

Thank you very much for your kind attention, I appreciate it very much, we will be in continuous communication because, I am performing a research in this topic and, and you have very, very important and top quality e-publications that I will purchase and I will be more careful, with the computer in the future, thanks a lot.

Alonso *******

“Thanks for what appears to be very intelligent and helpful material”

“Your book is very unique in the seduction realm...”

Thank you. It works!

You are a genius. Your book is very unique in the seduction realm.

“I love being better equipped to figuring out what's going on in a woman's head...”

Hello CR Have a bone to pick with you.

Why the hell don't you market your book better??

just like to say that I wish I'd found your book years ago.. Also like to say I firmly believe it's something every bloke in the world aught to read.. Lemme tell you a bit about myself first..

I'm a 30 year-old aussie veterinarian with a fairly analytical, but also fairly creative, mind. I've always been a happy positive bloke with a lot of energy who makes people in general feel good about themselves. I have a strong family and some close mates within a wider circle of friends. I got married almost 3 years ago to my favourite person in the world, a girl called Jen who I'd met when i was 17 (she was 15). We thought it was for life straight away, but we did have two year-plus -long breaks in our relationship due to circumstances/travel, which we hoped would allow us room to develop into the adults we needed to be to make it work..

Mate my life rocks, generally. Personally I'm always looking for personal growth - you're either green and growing, or brown and dying. I've read stacks of material on attitude, leadership, ambition, communication skills, personalities, the differences between men and women etc etc. Some of it has been very good, some very good in parts, some average, and some downright misleading and dangerous.

So, I think my saying that I was blown away by your book has some external qualification.It's not like it's the first personal development book i've read. Your book and the supplements I've read have not only opened up a whole stack of new doors, but they've brought to the fore the cheeky side of my personality again, which had been lying under a log for a while and had started to get a bit pale and pasty... I had what I thought was the best relationship in the world, until little cracks started to open up into big cracks about a year ago..

We'd been living in the UK for 2 years at the time, with a view to going home at the end of this year. A month ago I found out my wife and my best mate were seeing each other, and although I found your book on the internet (quite by accident whilst doing, would you believe, a search on bromide and libido-REDUCING supplements for myself!) about 6 mths ago, things were already too far gone to peg back completely.

I made inroads however, and more importantly I grew as a person to the point where I have been able to understand and fully accept what has happened. I know I would have been in a different place now but for some insight into how women work... While there are more factors in our relationship than discussed in the material of yours that I have, I'm pretty sure we could have worked through

them properly had I found your book earlier.. hey ho - that's the learning curve eh? (meeting so young etc.. although we saw some other people (both openly while together and while on breaks - partly because [she] got off on the idea of me being with other women), there was a lot of growing we had to do outside of a committed relationship.. I wonder whether you have any thoughts on this..?

I think the 'soul-mate' concept was a factor however...) So, perhaps your book hasn't saved a relationship this time (maybe it has - but it's a big maybe from my perspective), but it has definitely changed my life. I think it's fair to say there are a few girls with smiles they can't wipe off their faces thanks to you mate.

I have loved to see changes in the way people are in general, but especially females, respond to me in everyday life. I'm getting to know what to expect now, but I have been amazed at the connection I've been able to develop with females, some in an incredibly short space of time (minutes in some cases - not that this is really important, but it is kinda exhilarating to meet someone and feel that connection so quickly).

Whether it has led to sex or not has ceased to be that important, except for improving my game and figuring out where Imay have done/said things differently to achieve a different result.

I love being better equipped to figuring out what's going on in a woman's head (things even she doesn't know are going on) and watching (sometimes with frightening predictability) the responses to what I'm doing or saying... press this button, does this; press that button, does that... mmm wonder what happens if I press em both at once... ;) If you've got any other material out since I purchased SSP, def interested - I'm sending a mate or two, and both my brothers, your way too.

Dunno whether you've considered translating any of it, but my old man does freelance translating into both french and spanish!

Seriously, the world needs this.

but you knew this already...

Anyway, if you want an endorsement for your page or whatever, all I could say is this...

Is your wife/girlfriend, or more importantly, *your* life, worth more than 40 bucks?

If not hit the little cross in the corner of your browser :)

thanks again
Ccool Bruce ******

More Information About Super Sex Power


“I found this book to be very insightful...”

CR James, I found this book to be very insightful. There are many things that are obvious that I simply did not put to use. Deep down you know that to keep a woman happy you should keep her on her toes, but it is hard when you love them to not try to be as nice a possible. I almost fall into the category of P.U.S.S.Y.

That sucks.

Keep up the good work.


“You know, I was also highly skeptical”

You know, I was also highly skeptical.

Sorry, but it did cross my mind that all the comments on your website were made up.

But they dealt with some of my concerns and issues I wanted to change, so I took a chance and went ahead. Glad I did. This isn't for attribution on your website (at least not by name), but I had been suffering depression for about 18months.

The turning point came when I realized I was getting rejected by my wife and that things had to change. I had three options: quit the planet (not an option), quit the family (not an option) or change things (possibly the hardest option, but the only one worth trying).

Your ideas helped me back on track.

My biggest problem recently seems to be that too many women now see me as desirable...

....in the exactly way I'm trying to get my wife to see me.


“This is the first time in one year she has said I love you first!”

"I bought your book online yesterday. I have a very beautiful seductive wife, an ALPHA female (smart Brazilian).

We use to have great wild sex that has died down to her having an orgasm, with a lot of effort, once every three months. I began reading your book last night at home while she was studying her GMAT to avoidme approaching her for sex.

She had, yes I said had! even gotten to the point where if I kissed her she would get annoyed. I had become the good husband with no sexual value even though my wife would make comments "you have such a nice body I don't understand why I am not attracted to you."

Of course, these comments would make me want to rip my hair out in frustration. I have read all these books on how make a marriage work and crashed and burned every time.

Even one of my best friends from Florida visitedme one day and said, "what the hell is going on between you and your wife? I have known you for years you use to be a lady-killer, what happened? Back to reading your book, after I had read half of the book she started to ask me what I was reading. I said a self-help book.

I told her that today I was feeling very different. I felt like a new me, without explanation. I continued to [do the XXXXX technique] until bedtime. She asked me if there was anything wrong. I said no I feel great. She kissed me a few times and hugged me hard. I said goodnight! Again, she said is there anything wrong.

I said I feel good and I enjoyed my evening. Again, she hugged me and kissed me. Inside I started to smile. This bastard that wrote this book has something.

Today, my wife called me twice on my cell phone and told me she loved me.

This is the first time in one year she has said I love you first! I have finished the book in less than 24 hours. I am about to start reading the supplements [SUPER BONUSES]."

George G
Maryland, USA

"UPDATE: That was the best sex I had with my wife in about two years!"

She looked at me and looked at her legs with a smile. I remembered what you had (CR) said, all information is important. ... I have always taken my time. However, this time I decide I would not touch her pussy for a minimum of one hour of kissing and foreplay.

After about 30 mins. She kept pushingmy head down to her pussy. I kissed every part of her body, not her [Purr Palace]. She was getting completely crazy. I decide I was going to play with my wife as long as possible. I went inside her in four different positions, just giving her a taste.

With all the crap, this girl had put me through lately, she was going to suffer. She asks, "are you going to cum?" Me, "No I am going to play." I am the cat and you're my ball of yarn." At this point she was push my fingers inside her and my head down between her legs." I don't even think she could hear what I was saying.

She came very hard.

She almost fell to the floor!

She got on top of me and went to town.Wemade love all over our living roomfor quite a while. Afterward, she got in the shower, I could hear her say,

WOW! That was the best sex I had with my wife in about two years!

She got out of the shower, kissed me, smiled and said, happy new year. She went and studied with a smile and I went and watched football with smile.

George G
Maryland, USA

I created enough sexual tension that ultimately lead to a sexual explosion!

"I realized after purchasing and reading your work that I was literally creating an atmosphere that was driving my mate away from me. I figured that since we've been together for 18 years, I don't have to do anything special, she'll always be mine.

I realize now, after reading your works, that I have to create the atmosphere for better relations and sex. And boy do your techniques work! It's beginning to feel like the first few months and years we were together. In only (1)Week. It's very hard as a man to admit that your thinking is flawed, that your doing everything wrong. Your work is really better than therapy or many of the books out there that I've read.

This past week, I created enough sexual tension that ultimately lead to a sexual explosion! We had hours ofmind blowing sex for the first time in years this past weekend, and it's all because of your approach and techniques I used. Your philosophy behind your work is much deeper than just sex. It's a way of life.

You really have to work to have a great relationship. Even if the othermate isn't aware what your doing or isn't actively participating, the changes you incorporate naturally rub off , and without them actually knowing it, the relationship begins to improve almost immediately!!! Awesome !!!!!!!!!

Thank you much."

“...being by nature an introvert I realized that my interpersonal skills were a weakness”

"WOW! Your material is excellent.

I have bought a lot of seduction books because being by nature an introvert I realized that my interpersonal skills were a weakness that could keep me from achieving my goals. Anyway, the mind state theory you have is CRAZY. I [do a secret technique] and when I go out I can feel women drawn tome, INSANE. I tried an experiment yesterday with mind state when I went out for breakfast. The cute waitress kept her hand on my shoulder the entire time she was around my table. I have two questions. [removed]


“These reports are very powerful”

Hello CR James, I purchased your ebook SSP a couple of months ago, but I haven't been able to sit down to read it yet because I've been so busy. I did, however, start reading it last night. I read some of the reports that you sent with the ebook

These reports are very powerful, but I have some questions about how to use these formulas, techniques, etc... By the way I'm great at the ??? technique.

This is something that I experience in several of my past relationships, which happened by chance.


It’s fun to make women giggle

"...These are things that have been very hard for me to plan with her in the past. Oh, in my last conversation with her, when I [performed the technique that is on page 137 ]...

Well the reaction I got was, she giggled like a little girl, then said [????]"

A fan,
San Francisco USA

"...she almost hurt me when she attacked me trying to kiss me!"

Hello, First I have read your ebook Super Sex Power several times.

Every time I learn something new.

I have started to put into practice most of the techniques that you explain, and my girlfriend is noticeably more affectionate towards me... [after performing the XXXXX technique] she looked at me like I was crazy, but she had the best game of her league so far, and when we got back to her place after the game she almost hurt me when she attacked me trying to kiss me!

Wisconsin, USA

Woman confesses that A Man With Sexual Value makes her go crazy!

I just wanted to tell you that I am a woman who can attest to your theories ... You are 200% right on the "sexual value" and magnetism powers.

I have had sex with both kinds of guys.

One who thought they were doing the "right stuff" but barely turning me on [versus] someone who could turn me on completely with just a look, a touch, a kiss.

The differences between these twomen are night and day.

[This portion removed for obvious reasons.]

Ironically the man who had this magnetism was 10 years younger (22) than the man who could barely turn me on (32)....

All I can say is this other man had the magnetism and "sexual value" that still makes me go crazy just thinking about him!!

Not nearly enough people understand what this means or how it feels or why it's so amazingly intense to be with someone like him!!

















More Information About Super Sex Power


Sexually Attacked him in the Men’s Room: “She only had one thing on her mind!”

...Since I started reading your work, our relationship has solidified as opposed to the loose affiliation it once was. I can not stress enough how much [A particular S.S.P. Technique] works!

You state often, [something CR James states often]. I used to confide in my brother, asking if it was normal to be with a girl that had a sporadic sexual libido. (as you have written about finding excuses) Then I started reading your work. My sex/no sex ratio is inverted now.

Yes, there are still some nights I do not get sex, but this is much less often and I learn from these nights. I don't know if I am being overzealous, but I really think you are on to something with your theories.

I used the [E.F. technique] yesterday casually. ...

We had some drinks, played pool with people we met there.We both have flirtatious sides to us, so we talk a lot to other people when we are out together.

She kept coming over to me and just kissing me and using emotional talk. Towards the end of the night I went to the bathroom, and she comes out of the girls room.

She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me into the men's room.

Well, I think I hit a spike in my sexual value last night, because she only had one thing on her mind when she pulled me in there. Now she is asking me to come over to take a nap after work because we are both hung over from last night.

She never asked me to do that kind of thing before.

Thanks again,

SSP Customer is addicted to CR James’ Customer-only Reports

I already have this report [a surprise report sent strictly to customers], could you pleeeassee send me another report. I need a fix man, your stuff is the most thought provoking seduction material that I have ever read.


Mensa Man “sees and hears” what is REAL

I just read 26 pages of your ebook and will have no trouble recommending this book to anyone.

I recognize the fact that all belief systems are false because they are insufficient.

Being insufficient, they attack anything outside their accepted view of the world and what they would most violently attack would be the truth first and then anything that might be attached to the truth. ...

Sorry for the rant, but I wanted you to know that what you say is not fluff. It is too bad that the only place I can find honesty is in a book telling me why I am such a failure at sex with a wife who loves me very much. (ha)

I am a Mensa and my wife was a systems analyst before she retired.

I am spending my energies on trying to see and hear what is real. This is what I have gotten in the first 26 pages. I am really getting to the point of all this great recommendation. Or perhaps I should just tell you the problem I have been having in my life - because I firmly believe that if I can completely solve just one thing and understand it fully I will understand everything. (otherwise nothing is connected and this is impossible). ...

I have been coming to a place like you have described by page 26 for all this time and now here it is. I am talking about a way of seeing the world. I am talking about a way of forgiving the world and I am talking about a way to forgive myself.

I am talking about finally being able to be a husband to my wife and give her the happiness she deserves. Here is the funny thing about it. I had no idea how to do this until I started reading your book. ...

PS I know that you have already been told that the unexamined life is not worth living - that would apply here as well.

Gary N.

Results are the only thing that matters

Well how's it been going man I really couldn't even begin to tell you all the stuff that has happened to me since I read your research and findings Its nuts! - in a good way well let me know if you teach the moon new tricks and I’ll let you know when my fan gives out

Darrell aka UNKNOWN

“It's always pleasant when a man who knows what he's talking about is able to teach it to others”

Hey CR James, I thought your book was really interesting and thought provoking.

Although I have read many books on the subject, I enjoyed reading yours and learned a lot in the process. I liked how you put things in perspective...

Thanks a lot man for a great book.

Learns to Unlock Her Puzzle Mind

Hey CR, good job on [customer report]

Shit... I mean GREAT JOB!!!!

You are one very enlightening person. I have been in a 5 year relationship that has had its ups and downs and breakups. I am currently in the rehab phase now.

Your latest book has helped raise my spirits and my perceived outlook on my relationship is geared toward success. Thanks for your efforts in making a woman's complex jigsaw puzzlemind seem more like Tic-Tac-Toe.

Keep up the great work, man!

Indiana, USA

The concepts are Super Easy To Understand

Thanks. By the way I wanted to let you know that from the little I have read so far your writing seems to be thoughtful and caring and includes a lot of common sense suggestions.

Thank you for writing such a positive book. I look forward to other titles and updates in the future.

S Peters
Washington, USA

Man has heard all of the HYPE that is out there

Dear Sir I have heard a lot of hype from so many places. It is hard to know who is telling the truth. So far your last e-report was very understanding and to the point. I have tried to apply it andworks verywell. Later R

San Francisco Man is "meeting and getting other women's numbers"

Dear Cr: I just recently got your book - and I am definitely seeing the value - I am using some of the techniques of building Sexual Value and positive compliments on the woman I have a plutonic relationship with.

Not only that, I am taking that into the social world and meeting and getting other women's numbers.

I definitely want to break out of the pussy zone, and if not with her - then with other women. She is currently out of town so she has been calling me, and I well I told her, I have been busy, and that I have been meeting women - What is interesting is she wants to know their names. Who they are - she even asks about them when we talked again.

What I find interesting is that I am a part time playwright and that is how I am meeting some of these women - I mentioned to my plutonic friend that I will be having auditions for a new play I wrote, in the next few weeks.

She then asked if it was okay that she sit in on the auditions. She asked this after I had said that some of the women I met will be auditioning for the play.

Now the interesting is, she has never expressed an interest before in any of the plays I have been in or the craft of acting, other than going to my plays. Also, since I have been acting positive and busy, she is telling me now that she can't wait to get back and have some "fun" with me by going dancing and going out.

These are things that have been very hard for me to plan with her in the past.

A fan,

Super Sex Power improves your self-confidence, respect and other things

Mr CR James

Your stuff has helped with: inner-game, self-confidence, individuality, mystery, ability to observe betters, entertaining quality, grooming and most importantly respect (which is what the 'game' was misinterpreted by me to really mean, but doesn't!!) have made me approach who I wish to know, as not after numbers or social recognition. ...

my forte is the web -by the way- as go for weeks away with maybe a night at a hotel en route hehe.

Don't need to say more than thanks for the good reads ..

Regards fro Oz
Steve 48 and thankful :)

“your approach is very different from so many other seduction books”

I particularly liked the idea of increasing your sexual value I thought your ebook showed great insight into the all important and often not understood psychological dynamics that are involved in the dance of love All best wishes

Montreal, Canada

This guy is spooked!

Thanks for sending me that eBook - much appreciated. Have been reading it already - spookily what it says really does stand out as making sense, Although where the whole [a controversial seduction technique] thing falls down for me is that surely you can push it to far to the extent that they despise you

Guy doesn’t have SSP and now he is sick

Ive enjoyed all your [free e-mail reports] thank you very much. I'll order [Super Sex Power] as soon as I get back to work from being sick.

I just wanted to say thank you again.

“you have some marvelous shit figured out”

HEY CR, Wassup man.

It sounds like you have somemarvelous shit figured out. I've been wondering about these advanced type things when I got to a certain point of being able to handle women well.

Can you send me that site again [supersexpower.com].......... I was able to download your 1st report from there and not the email link.


p.s. When I get paid this Friday ...........

I HAVE to get your book [Super Sex Power]

Guy improves success with women and his English

Hi Professor James! Thank you somuch for all your examples and e-mails... They were really helpful and I learnt many things... However, I don't see any reason to forgive you... as there is nothing to forgive! You are one-sided and so...? It's already very courageous to do such things and to help so many people. You are a nice professor! Unfortunately I cannot afford to buy all your books... but I hope I will buy them one day when I'll be more rich (or when I will have enough money). Your e-mails helped me a lot already and I am more happy in my life thanks to you. Sorry do not ask: I am not ready to tell you why or how or anything else about my life... Sorry about that. Finally sorry for my English, I am not a specialist. It takes me each time quite a long time to translate your e-mails... but it's good anyway because I think I improve my English by reading them! So maybe you didn't know but you are also a teacher for English ! Thanks for that too. Many thanks again. Vincent

7 pages of sense

It's alright I've read about the first seven pages of SLB and from that the way you've explained it so far it makes sense it clicks.


Shape-Shifter Enjoys His Copy of Super Sex Power

I simply love it.

The mindset always comes first and when I finally realized that by reading your ebook, I became a monster lol.

On a serious note, I will be honored if you put my email as a testimonial on your site because it was you who had the revelation not me.
“thankful I have you in my corner”

Thanks CR, I just wanted to drop you an email saying THANK YOU! . I have purchased your ebook [Super Sex Power] and think it is great.

Weekly I revisit it and have already started seeing benefits. I have a long journey ahead but feel thankful I have you in my corner.

Keep up the great work!
Best Regards, J. Cannell

Hey Man what’s up! I'm really liking your reports
“I have already started to see positive results with my wife”
I had not received these reports. Thank you very much. I look forward to studying them.

I have already started to see positive results with my wife and am looking forward to the good times ahead. I am extremely interested in more information on getting her into the right state of mind. Hopefully some of the reports you're working on will address this area. Thanks again and keep up the great work!

Some hot blonde moved in two houses down from me, about 20 - and I'm 43! This is going to be fun... ! It also helps that I'm a martial artist and a bodybuilder in excellent shape, however that is only icing on the cake.

You are right... age, money, looks, what have you, doesn't matter... it's all in the behavior and body language. I've always loved you comparing man's bad behavior to a 900 pound pig; really let's you know what's going on in a woman's mind. You MUST first establish sexual value in her eyes. If I don't see I've done that in a woman I immediately move on.

Most guys try to CONVINCE a woman to feel attraction for them; hell, it's society's conditioning. I usually make fun of guys like that wyhen talking to women; "Don't you just love those guys that give you flowers and call you 100 times a day?"

Now, the biggest factor relating to money... you don't need money to attract women per se, however you still need money to have an attractive lifestyle. It is going to be pretty damn hard to feel confident in yourself if your finances are constantly falling down around your ears. This last recession underscores that principle. So I'm doing this - I've acquired 4 entry-level IT certifications and am currently studying to become a Cisco certified engineer (CCNE). May take a couple of years but I'll be able to command a six-figure income...

Coasting thru life just doesn't cut it for me anymore.

Keep the newsletters coming!



Thanks for the response, James.

If I can learn 23 different Kenpo forms, stick with the martial arts for 7 years, and earn 4 IT certifications while having the patience and driving passion to go deep into a vendor specific certification like Cisco, save money up for an eventual relocation and career change and then commit myself to immersing myself in the dating community full time, I can learn this skill with attracting women.


BTW, if I hit it off with this chick I'll go without eating for the week to buy your [course] I've already got this chick opened up; that's how I'm so confident to say this is going to be fun.

Ok. I had a feeling that might be the case so I'll stick with your original suggestions. --- Love the SSP course so far CR.

GREAT stuff ! I wish I'd known this stuff and practiced it many years ago !

Never too late too change though. Just have to ingrain the new habits !

( Feel free to publish this comment if you wish C R )

You're the best Bro !

I can't get over your fast replies !
How do you do it ??? :-)

Many Thanks !
I'm dating a girl who's read ????.... its complicating things a bit. She seems to be "grading" me on my seduction skill on a conscious level. In my opinion if she wants to be seduced then her thinking about and analyzing my behavior it is working against that end. Whenever i do anything slightly unseductive acording to her book she seizes on it and penalizes me for it purposefully. To make matters worse sometimes it seems like she's trying to use some of these techniques on me! The problem with that of course it that the techniques are designed to be used by men on women.

Of course i've now read the same book she read to get her "answer key" (your stuff is much more powerfull btw) and she hasn't read your stuff, so I do have a "secret weapon." my question to you is what else can be done to level the playing field?

Dear Instructor James,

I have been an avid reader of your books, reports and blogs for over a year.
Your report ???? is one of my favorites because of how you word
your thoughts and advice.

I have witnessed your progression and evolution of both a writer and teacher as I read through your current and past materials.

I consider your advice to be invaluable for men seeking to improve their
relationships with women. It's almost as if my father or big brother were
speaking to me (I wish my father had taught me when I was a child what you
are teaching me now).

Good Morning

I am glad that i am not bothering you. You probably won't feel that way when i am done. But i thank you for helping me.

You are right that is hard to understand that she would not want to live out the fantasy. In order for her to admit that she had a thing for this guy i had to confess that i had a thing for her best friend. And if i had an opportunity for a threesome with them lets just say i would be on that. But the actual fantasy has changed our sex life.

Confession sense i have learned this i have been practicing sense i got your book .

She has already done two of the signs you said would happen.

There were two separate occasions where she let me know up front right after i got home from work that we were not doing anything that night. It kind of mad me mad i will admit. Because usually she will wait for me to ask her for sex before she rejects me. But this time she didn't.

So i remembered that you said something in your book [something mentioned in Super Sex Power]. If you think you will get rejected then you will. So i told my self that it was not her decision. I simply said to her after she told me ok but i need to go to the store. and asked if she wanted to go. she said yes. Well i took her to the store were i know he works.

Made a few suggestions all long the way and took her out to eat and by the time we got home she did the second thing that you said would happen.

She literally said these words to me (and forgive my French)

"I want you to come fuck me."

Only a mere 5 hours after she said we were not doing anything that night. And she was a nymph .

So i believe this stuff works. This has happen twice. But now she won't say we are not having sex any more.

There are different methods i use Some times i will [do something psychologically powerful] then walk away I do that several time and it is a garuntee .

Some times after the kids have gone to bed and we are alone. I will [do something slightly different]

But the results are the same

She goes quiet for a second and you see her eyes make a change and she usually does everything i suggest and she not just going through the motions she will make little sounds like she is hungry like she hasn't eat in months and you put a home cooked meal in front of her.

There was a time she would not do that. That is what makes me wonder about the ???? sex theory but i have not heard the arcade sound that you talked about or i haven't recognized it .

Any way no matter how unorthodox that may seem.


But like i said she has to be in a certain mood . and that is what am working on now is setting that mood finding the trigger for that mood.

Also after reading some of the signs on how to notice if a woman is interested. I have noticed women looking at me differently and now i ask my self every time Why did she say that to every woman who talks to me and they will make little comments that seem to have nothing to do with the current situation or what we are talking about example among a computer tech and network tech printer tech i am also a copier tech. I was at a job working on a copier. And a women that i have never met out of the blue came over and said are you going to be our regular copy man and i said no i am a floater.

She simply said thats a shame and walked a way. I keep asking my self why she said that and no matter how i slice it i can only come up with one conclusion. Well i have to go for now but let me know your thoughts

I think she was communicating on the second or third level. not knowing that i am learning how to speak woman. It is harder than learning to speak Spanish.

Until next time. You have a good day.

I want to say the you have the best customer service! Sure other sites give stuff away but there is a kind genuineness and kindness that comes across from you. So thank you!

Hi CR,

Just wanted to say thanks for all the reports you send, I really enjoy your writings and your sense of humor in presenting them.

I have purchased most of your books online

Thanks for your time,
Greenville SC

PS I did practice some of your techneques aqnd saw alot of success with them,also had a lot of fun with them.

Mr James,

Thank you for teaching me so much.

Oh man I can't believe that I have such a story for you it blew my mind. It started the day I got fired I want you to understand that this may seem horrible to you but FOR ONCE I DON"T FEEL GUILTY.

I enjoyed all of the ebooks and decided to take action the day I got fired from waste management I felt horrible and projected it everywhere.

I started using conversation hypnosis at waste management to get that job and that day I went back to the beginning to learn where I made my error there my home where I grew up.

My friend still lived across the street he was outside so I talked to him. See when I was younger I looked up to this guy I thought he was really cool his name was vic. I thought he could told teach me the things I needed to know and so I copied his moves for years without success.

He would always talk shit to me and he had the most beautiful girlfriend named cindy.

See I USED any excuse to be around her I could tell she liked me I was always relaxed around her I couldn't help it. I talked to her about everything. an she wouldn't take me but she would always talk.

See what I did is everyday he would call me up and ask for favors all the time just like he always does. I would deframe him the whole way home FOR THREE MONTHS. THEN...

I GOT THE OPPORTUNITY OF MY LIFETIME. he told of little party with him and his cousin kellie. I met her as a little girl I told myself I don't see her for sex.

It was my first lesson my mom smashed a pepsi can in my mouth when I was little for another girl. Kellie had a crush on me her whole life. She met me when I would go with Vic and Cindy to his aunt Sues house. An anyway her ex boyfriend Mikey was about to ship out to iraq or something.

Kellie arranged to kick it with Mikey that night but I showed up. Anyway I was in her apartment and I started to talk to her. I found out just enough to build the connection. I played it cool didn't reveal anything.

Then when she danced with Mikey I amped my signals. I sent them through the roof. I told myself over and over the two signals in your approach power. It got so strong Val could feel me from downstairs. She came up an saw us. she was afraid to approach at first then she went straight for mikey she could feel the first from him but not the second. so she started kissing him in front of kellie. It was to much an she jumped on me. she played the 504 BOYS song "I know you wanna fuck" and we danced she grinded up and down on my dick ferociously.

Then when she was done I told her look at mikey with Val she jumped on him. So she went crazy and started screaming at all of us to get out of her house. When we left Val went with us. She tried to go home with mikey but he told her no. After I took her back to my house my friend Vic thought that he could get her but not with me there. He went crazy and started begging her to have sex with him. I told her a secret. I said I can rescue you from him. When I got her in my car she was so grateful to get away from him she started kissing me and grabing my dick The whole way home.I told her that was good enough then I sent her back to her loser man. LAter about a month later I went back to her moms house. Sue is an amazing woman an I knew she would help me. She gave kellie my number not only did she initiate I amped the signal high as it could go. Everyone in her family started calling me hating talking mad shit. Not only did I get them to stop calling blowing me up threating me with all kinds of retaliation I got them to thank me for the lesson and she grinded on my dick in front of her cousins I also told him the reason cindy left him was because of me. I hope that they learn because that whole family runs around spreading misery. every thought from them I'm glad I did that.

MANY Thanks once again for all the books I love all of them I read them over and over for the rest of my life.

I have never been prouder to put someone under my spell.

More Information About Super Sex Power

Hey maybe I should call you the woman whisperer, not very catchy but it is a real compliment, your stuff teaches a guy practical and useful female psychology so he can satisfy her needs to get his needs met.

A real win win situation.
I am going to get [your course] though - your stuff is brilliant and is starting to filter over into other areas of my life.

I have studied alot of material and had some success but your stuff really approaches the psychological aspect and its been amazing.

Thanks man.

Hi CR,

I thought I better write and acknowledge your fine work, not only has my marriage super-boosted, but I'm actually gaining respect from my wife, something I could only dream of before. I used to wander in a daze and now I'm organised and one step ahead, at least, of her all the time, amazing, if you knew the old me, lol.

I must put this down to the product I purchased from you and look forward to re-reading it until I have it down pat :)

You're a genius and I for one both acknowledge that and am very appreciative of this fact.

Many regards to you and best of luck for the future...

Good luck and godspeed!


Hi James,

Thanks a million for understanding me and giving such a good suggestion.

You really understand me I will surely give you feed back on the same.

You are Good!

Dear Cr,

I'm writing from a Swedish library this time around since I am living in the forest here

on a farm with only 21 hen´s and two cock's, so my only work is letting them in and out

You're my Favourite writer, communicating what is needed, its like Christmas
every time I sit down to read [one of your reports]!

Where will this end...? :-)

Stay Happy and All!
Norway, now Sweden
Thank you very much!!!

Now, on to driving my wife crazy with orgasms… oh, by the way – a little philosophy of mine…

She’s 47, hot, but her libido has dropped in the last 2 years. I’m doing things to attract her sexually and emotionally – [by doing all of the things mentioned in Super Sex Power] I lovingly look out for her interests continually, but sometimes let her be independent and ‘do things on her own’. We do fun and adventurous things, and travel some, too.

It’s true – women want [a man to be a Certain Way]

I have found that it’s so important for a man to be older and more experienced in everything – including sex, and to do things right from the beginning – for the respect, love, kindness, fun, and sex in the relationship. The saying…“Women are like carpet, and need to be laid right the first time”. Has some truth to it.

Whether he knows it or not, the man sets the tone for how the woman responds to him, how much she will respect and admire him, value him, and for how well she responds to him sexually. Wives must literally be ‘broke in right’, and taught how to respond to a loving caring, manly, and sexual man. A woman who learns to trust him – because he is trustworthy; and give herself completely and happily to him sexually because he knows how to attract, seduce, and sexually drive her wild is a very blest little honey with a very wise man.

That’s the path I’m on. She is pretty well trained. I love my wife, and want to totally screw her brains out – with her enjoying every bit of it. The goal of every husband – or it should be!

Thanks for your kindness and great customer service!



I suppose you are gearing up for the big game, good thing its not in the dog pound. Viking finally have a QB-releatively speaking.

I just wanted to have you shed some light on my dimming aura.

A year ago or so when bought your reports I evolved phenominally as I look back, unbelievable things happened to me just from my outlook.


PS i love the reports you suggested for me, however the [???? report] is too advanced for me I need alot practice before I can be that advanced of a conversationalist-I'm working on it.
Thanks CR for the valuable information.

dear cr,

first off i'd like to say i love your book Super Sex Power is amazing!!

i've also been reading your bonus books as well. but sadly i'm starting to beleive that i'm an EH in my current relationship.

dear cr,

thanx for the reply and helpfull advice.

its funny, you can talk to your friends and get all kinds of answers. but after reading your books and recieveing a very good personal email from you. alot of things make sense.

thanks again cr,
hey CR,

thanks again CR, i've been talking to my peers about your superpower books and i've encouraged them to look them up. i hope they have, you've definetly helped my relationship but it still needs some work. i recommend your work to all my peers that have been having issues.

with best regaurds,
Hi CR,

First off, thank you very much for replying to me. You must be a pretty busy guy, and getting this kind of support from you is amazing.

I have purchased a couple of your products, and I like them. I particularly like the way you break down your ideas conceptually, rather than the 'this technique' and 'that technique' approach that is so common.

I've read over what you have written a couple of times, with a day or two between readings to take the time to ponder it a bit.

Truthfully, you make more sense to me than any other counselor I've been to.

I've also tended to read a lot of relationship stuff in the past couple of years in an attempt to be a better partner myself, and those I consider to be the best pretty much echo what you say, though none say it so humanly or so precisely (and frankly, none of them are as interesting, either!)

D. F.

"...she has this enormous orgasm just as I am 'about to' enter, she is wetter than any time I can remember,
she is sooo Hot that I can't believe it."

Hey CR,

Just wanted to say that I bought your e-book [Super Sex Power] and couldn't wait to get through it, I am not sure that I have read everything but, that is ok I have the time to go over all of the downloads.

I am in the second reading of the [Super Sex Power] and while it took a while, I was looking for references to "that little arcade sound she will make" I believe that you mentioned it three times, I haven't completed the reread.

Anyway, I was convinced to [do a TIP that is in the book], we have been married over 30 years and at times I (meaning we) thought that I needed some help.

She loves me, and tells me all of the time, but the tension is not there, and I never realized how important it is.

By the third day I can feel her tension, [a step by step process], she does initiate the action and when its time for me to roll her over and give her some relief.

I hear "this little arcade sound" and she has this enormous orgasm just as I am "about to" enter, she is wetter than any time I can remember, she is sooo Hot that I can't believe it.

I deliver the "goods" and she is Cumming again and again, and I had figured that (erroneously) that she wasn't multi orgasmic, (30 years too late).

CR, what is the "little arcade sound"?

I am trying to recreate our most recent round of action with something even hotter, I am working on the different levels of communication, who knows what I will find, thanks.

Max - Ohio, USA

Dear Mr. James,

Thank you very much. I really enjoy your analysis and thought process. Moreover, I have been very impressed with your work and writing. Best regards,


Thanks for your quick response, I'll read the fine print next time.

BTW I think you are a genius, your techniques have improved home life.

CR James,

Thanks for the advice.



Thank you very much. You have very unique insights into human behavior.
Thank you, I downloaded your book and I'm now enjoying it. Please keep your emails coming I've learned a lot.
Just so you know I liked reading you're stuff and it works, but I use it more in business, seducing the customer is fun, they have to be tempted, and in offices you have to watch you're ass, hit on the wrong women and it could be someone's wife or a harrasment charge.

How are you Mr CR James?

I got your link to download the ??? report but for some reason when i click into the link it keeps telling me NOT FOUND...

Besides that I just want to let you know that your information about woman is GREAT!!!!!!!! & it's helping me a lot!!!!!!

I appreciate the information that you write because it's so true & very accurate!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your friend.


you convey psychological insights I haven't heard of anywhere else...

All best,

M. Magnus
Mr. CR James,

Great article, very valid.

Another way to get to them want to have sex is to [do a technique mentioned in Super Sex Power]

Based on your prior sound advice and because I like doing ludicrous experiements on my own relationship, I decided to [take it to another level] with my girlfriend.

Now the results have been anything less than astounding...

No word of a lie, my girlfriend was forcing herself on top of me and saying "come on let's have sex"... lol...

CR James man I am telling you, my girlfriend has initiated our last half dozen encounters since the [fan favorite technique mentioned exclusively in Super Sex Power]... it is getting silly.

She tried to ride me one morning when I was half asleep and I told her
that it could be considered rape... she schooled be right back and said
"you can't rape the willing" (one of my lines)...

Anyway, I will be applying your moves tonight, it's friday night and we
are going on a pizza and beer date (I love my life)... just want to let
everyone know that there is a transition process, not only does her
perception of you (your sexual value) have to change, she will also be on
the look out for evidence to see if your money is where you mouth is.

Have a great weekend and thanks for all the [reports]/

Highest Regards,

More Information About Super Sex Power
Hi there,

Thanx for the material you have sent me so far. It has really enlightened me on things
that i would have never thought of and I appreciate it.

Thanx a lot

On March 12: This guy sexual value was so low he had trouble downloading the file after he paid for it. LOL

Hi there

After purchasing the SSP book I saved the files from the below link to my PC but when attempting to open the PDFs I get an error message "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired."

Is this something you can help me with?

I downloaded the PDFs from

Any help appreciated.


On March 16 [4 days later] He confesses to be at "rock bottom" and he is nervous about whether Super Sex Power will REALLY work for him (BTW: Everyone goes through that phase because it's normal)


Thanks a lot for the bonus report. I had read about it on one of your webpages outlining your books and reports and I can't wait to get into it. I'm starting on your main Super Sex Power book now after twice reading the [free bonus reports]

If you are interested in hearing about my progress I'll let you know.

Am at rock bottom at the moment. In a 7-yr relationship, living together for about the same amount of time, will get married in due course. Last sex was Feb 14.

Upon reading your first couple of reports realised my sexual value was at pretty much nought.

Had an opportunity for sex today that ended up in an argument with
me telling her I could tell that she wasn't interested in sex and her telling me I didn't get her excited enough for her to want to have sex.

It's going to be a LONG night of reading and re-reading your stuff.



On March 19 [7 days later] He reports back with this email:


If you are interested to know, things have moved so fast.

I am absolutely hooked on your stuff!

Am about a quarter of the way thru
your main Super Sex Power book and have been applying a few things.

Have been reading your book very slowly and carefully and going back over
what I have read. Read the [bonus] report that you sent as well.

...she found the website and read the report!

I'm thinking oh shit she must know I'm up to something.

She said there was nothing in the report she would fall for but after that she became freakin' ravenous!

-During dinner asked me what my biggest sexual fantasy was and when I
told her she said yes she would enjoy it

- Proceeded to tell me she would do anything other than anal but
wanted to be tied up and taken

- After dinner she dragged me into the bedroom and gave me a blow job (first one since, sheesh, I can't remember when!)

- We then went to the mall for a while, on the way there she tells me
we should hire some XXX DVDs from the video shop and watch them at the weekend (this after going ape-shit once after finding an old porn mag
I had stashed under a bookcase!)

- Got home and she shoves me down on the coach

- another blow job

- Then disappears into the bedroom and comes back with a draw full of
sex toys (that we hadn't used since I can't remember when)

- Jumps on top of me and rides herself silly

- Races off to the bedroom again and comes back with a pair of red
high-heeled shoes.

She puts these on as then that makes her the perfect height for her to bend herself over the arm of coach while I then have my way with her!

Lets say I'm now looking forward to the weekend.


More Information About Super Sex Power
Hey Guy!

First, I want to express gratitude for all the great work you're doing here. The information you pass on is the bomb.

It's different from the other seduction gurus because you focus more on the psychology of men and women in the dating field. Please keep up the good work.

I was out at a bar last night waiting for my buddy and there was just me and another woman (about an 8-9) sitting next to each other. I could totally sense her 'bitch shield' was on high.

Still I turned to her in a cool way and [did something] followed through with a warm "hi". Next thing, we were chatting it up until my buddy showed up and she finished her drink, gave her number and left.

Best Regards,


...she was coming when I first touched her breast!

I don't know if you remember me, but I told you that that son of a bitch that's f@#king my ex-wife read your [How to Seduce Married Women] e-book.

Well, I have been reading your e-books too!

I have been dating an East Indian very conservative girl for about a month. We have been rather coy with each other, but mostly I have just portrayed extreme confidence without being cocky, and believed it not just acted like it...

About 2 weeks ago I told her [something psychologically powerful]

She referred to it a couple times with the confidence in mind, and was quite shocked I could tell her such a thing.

We went to dinner Tuesday for her 45th b'day, and by the time she went home, she told me thursday, that she was dripping wet.

I had well over 2 million SV points at this time! We went camping wed night, and I [did something powerful] and...

... we made love 4 times in about 10 hours, spent about 6 hours total making love, and she was so turned on...

...she was coming when I first touched her breast!

She had hard orgasm after orgasm, I counted at least 13 during the sessions, and the look on her eyes was to die for.

I am the 4th man she has been with in her life, and I rocked her world.

She is every man's dream, a lady in public, and a whore in the bedroom. By her own account, not mine. I can confirm it though. She held back nothing.

Needless to say, your books and insights have made a real man and lover out of me, and I can't tell you how good it feels to have your lady look up with that dazed look in her eyes and say "I can't believe what just happened.

I could not have dreamed anyone could do that to me.

Any ways, just wanted you to read another success story and realize how you are helping mankind and womankind to really enjoy each other on a much higher level than most ever experience.



Hope you are doing fine.

CR we really love Mind Power & Mind Game stuff.
Please keep on rolling.

Thank you & may god offer you more Inspiration & Unique Ideas...
Thank you once again.


Hi CR James,

I just wanted to let you know that I started to put into play some of the things I have learned, and I put a little twist on it as well.

It really worked!

My wife and I have been married for about 5 years, and our sex life has really gone down hill.

Well, by changing her perception of me, and with the [??? tactic]. I did one other thing.

I made her think about [something in a creative way]. I planted the ideas in her head through ????, and by giving her ???? we end up having an awesome massage session like never before!

Thank you for your book. It has helped me out and has given me new ideas on how to do things in a different way.

Thank You,

He Got ATTACKED By His Female Friend

I have been trying to hook up with my LJBF [Let's Just Be Friends] for months.

When she would be over at my house and I received a phone call, I would quickly end the call by saying [something]

Well, I got fed up with the lets just be friends routine and started [doing something effective] .

Yesterday she called me and [did the same thing]....

CR, you said in the report to look for a change?

When I went to her house this morning to take her on a job interview.............

she was all over me!

Tongue Down The Throat!

Yea, I saw the change alright.
I'm back on top now.

Thanks, it does work!



I do not normally respond to your good quality materials; and good quality I mean, because I passed on a small passage of how to treat a woman to a guy whose marriage was not on the rocks but under the rock; a heavy rock at that, it's as if I was a counsellor with spell binding hypnotic power the couple is madly in love again and there is nothing that pleases me more.

That aside the three steps are wicked but true, you need to be full of self control and stop, if you think it's getting too wild.

I did this to my wife of 14 years and the results are mind blowing.

I have not been that physically fit for a number of years but I am good, yet when I unleashed the [???? Technique] I was summoned to the valley of sweetness more that the meals I take in a day, on a daily basis for at least three weeks.

I had to beg for a slow down and faked asthmatic attacks to get the required sympathy. We are now going easy but still can't complain at all.

The thing is she never told me why she suddenly became sooooo aroused she just said I was now more appealing, but I know that it wasn't true, I left it at that up to now no mention of it.


Yes CR

I did [something powerful] but unlike in your case you know what you are doing, mine was a hit and run successful experimental experience.

It's amazing...

A again I say amazing, because half the time we do these things subconsciously, without the slightest incline of what may lie ahead, the pros and cons of the end result of such experiments (if I should call them that at all)

What I say is amazing here is that with every [report] of yours I have read I discovered a part of myself, through your articulate experience to be able to put on paper things that we sometimes experience but were unable to explain.

Even here you have just explained in short but great detail is inside your few phrases under the ???? and ????? exposure headings. That's what I call experience.

Keep it up CR.

Thanks again for all the insight

Hi CR James,

Great report.

Thanks for the advice. Not being aware of it, I've been using parts of those 3 methods on this woman.

Thank you. You and your reports rock, CR! Keep up the excellent work :-)

Best regards,


Hey CR,

I used some of your techniques in an unusual "experiment" that really worked ...almost TOO well.

I literally have her (my wife) begging and squirming.

Like, twice a day she begs ME for it.

...but there's something about a [a particular SSP concept] that kicks her into another level.

I'm telling you, she's wearing me out.

I've created a monster....

If you can use any of this, just let me know.

Lots more details, principals and insights from this experiment if you want them...but I know you're a busy guy and this already long.

Thanks for all the great stuff.

You're one of the few who don't beat around the bush. You only care about what WORKS.




ALOT has transpired since [the last time I emailed you]

I've been studying your material since then and have come to see that it BLOWS everything out there out of the water.

You're a genuis when it comes to breaking the sublteties of human communication down to a simple science. Your ??? stuff is strong.......I'm still working to master it. To keep things simple and effective for me is using the "you-????" statements.

Your report is VERY enlightening and I'm glad there is someone out there who bucks the system by delivering hard-hitting facts of communication versus rehashed "pick-up" theory.

I'm sure I'll have questions in the future. Take care man.


PS. The wisdom of what you teach REALLY hits home when it's "experienced"
My name is Fernando, and gosh did I have struggled... I my last girlfried simply broke up with me, yesterday...

I got the product yesterday... I read thru it today... and SHIT! why didnt you came before, my girlfried now my ex... is a complete doll and sweet and honey.... and I simply shot myself in the foot...

Best regards, and holiday greetings...

As usual you are very generous. Thanks so much I love your books and I am extremely interested in your book at laughinganswer.com since I have always been plagued with not getting the extra yard- level 9 or 10.
As a recovering guilty guy, if you were to make a class sylabus for me to study what ebooks and order would it be? Charisma, SLB!!!, and the latest book on signals (energy and vibrations I got goose bumps and loved, I have some difficulty executing verbage techniques, of course super compliments and beauty and good girl I can relate and execute )
The advanced signal books are difficult for me-maybe not ready. Thanks for using my previous email message-it was an honor to see you use me in your ebook endorsed
Hi CR,

just a quick message to tell you that your product is great! its that time of the month if you know what i mean so i wouldnt have got any anyway, but i'm already seeing a huge difference. its jut so simple but I'd hve never have thought about it. at first it seems odd trying to manipulate your girfriend of 3 yrs, but the more you think about it the more she does it all the time without thinking.
just simple things like hinting that I won't always want it and not giving her hugs and kisses ALL THE TIME make a huge difference. after two days she's already asking, ney begging for kisses, and telling me that she's so sad that she can't have me right now.

just wanted to say well done!



Hi There

I must say that I've never seen or read any material of this nature before that makes as much sense as yours. I am constantly thinking up new ways of increasing SV and it really works(ed) every time.

For some or other reason though, my wife seem to have grown a sort of immunity against everything lately. I thought at a certain point in time that the opportunity factor might be to blame since we are now staying at the "in-laws" whilst our house is under renovation. The in-laws have now been gone for a week on holiday already plus they took our kids with. There is therefore plenty of opportunity however she's not responding to anything it seems.

Have you got any thoughts for me on this?

Hey Cr,

hope all things are great!

thanks for your reports and updates, I have been implementing your work for almost a year now (on and off) and rereading your stuff again and have seen somewhat of a turn around.
I missed your bracelet report and would be very interested in getting a link to it, if I am entitled to it, I read you mentioning it in one of your reports and couldn't remember getting it.

Thanks again, all the best.

Dear CR,

Thank you for your Kind compassion and for sharing!

All the best to You and crew.
Keep on adding for a better World!

Dear crjames,

First of all I have to say I absolutely admire you, great works of yours do not only teach people about dating but also communication skills and a boost to self-confidence.


Thanks so much for your help. I was able to open the attachment without a hitch. I found the concept of the strategic stacking to be very useful. I am actually preparing a presentation for my work for tomorrow and think it provides the approach I need.

I enjoy your work. Though I have been married for 35 years and am in a committed relationship, I find the principles relate to maintaining and strengthening that relationship. I also find that they apply to building new relationships for commercial purposes in the workplace.

Again, thanks for taking the time to send me a copy of the report.

Thank a lot bro, you make a lot of changing in my life ^_^

Mr. James,

You are a gentleman and a genius.


Here is another caps-lock testimonial. i have to admit when i first recieved this email my intial thought was that it was a declaration of war, but then as i read the contents of the email, i was relieved to know that it's just another happy customer who is pleased that he made the decision to Order Super Sex Power












"...At first I was surprised and thought it was random coincidences, but it is constantly occurring and is a predictable reaction from women..."

Hello Mr. James,

I purchased your [Super Sex Power course] about one month ago and have been reading and reviewing its contents regularly.

You have presented an interesting point of view .

I have been applying the various techniques as mentioned in the "Lust Signals" section and have observed various levels of positive results from many different females.

I have observed when I enter a place where many women are present, I am "noticed" by women who will turn around immediately and look directly at me and sometimes give me a smile when I am approaching or passing by them.

I do not initiate any outright verbal communication with them to attract their attention; only the silent ????? technique .

At first I was surprised and thought it was random coincidences, but it is constantly occurring and is a predictable reaction from women.

….. I am looking forward to receiving additional updates and reports from you.
This is very powerful stuff.


"...your stuff is the most thought provoking seduction material that I have ever read..."

Could you pleeeassee send me another [customer only] report.

I need a fix man, your stuff is the most thought provoking seduction material that I have ever read.



"I think it is one of the best books on
seduction I've yet come across..."


"Dear Mr. James.

My name is [J Carty], I am one of your customers
who bought your S.S.P yesterday. I think it is one of the
best books on seduction I've yet come across, because it takes it to an advanced level...."

J Carty - Great Britain (UK)

Note #1: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note #2: Getting Results is the only thing that matters.

"...your material is the best I have ever read - and I have read a LOT"


Very busy so have to make this short....

Basically your material is the best I have ever read - and I have read a LOT.

Please, start doing seminars

Matt (UK)

Note #1: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note #2: Getting Results is the only thing that matters.

"...the most intelligent and balanced and logical advice I have read so far..."


I have read through a lot of your stuff and I think it is very solid and it is the most intelligent and balanced and logical advice I have read so far.

Note #1: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note #2: Getting Results is the only thing that matters.

"...There are so many manuals out there that tell you or
reveal how to lay girls etc etc and to be honest
I've tried most of them without avail…..."


Hello James,

Am on a holiday at my sisters in the middle east ...

...I must say in all honesty they are very much insightful and directing me to a new way of thinking to sound plain without exaggeration.

There are so many manuals out there that tell you or
reveal how to lay girls etc etc and to be honest I've tried most of them
without avail…

"...It really works because I don't believe I've ever been turned down unless she was on her period,
had the flu, etc...."

Thanks James,

Really appreciate the response and info. I've been reading the part of MFM and I find it so much along my line of thoughts and observations since I've been married these past 12 years.

Like you I have been obsessive about how I can make my wife want me and desire me more often and I totally agree with the persona thing, health, and creating the right atmosphere, etc.

It really works because I don't believe I've ever been turned down unless she was on her period, had the flu, etc.,

she really is a great partner for me I mean we have sex on an average of 1/day, seriously I not trying to brag, but maybe some couples have it more often...

I don't really know. It's what I've watched and learned about her and it is true when these things are clicking she becomes more mentally in "the mood" to have sex.


Huge thanks!

When I discovered the treasure trove of your emails waiting for me in a folder today, it was better than christmas (or stealing my kid's halloween candy). I haven't got much work done since I was so busy reviewing some of your material I had
and getting some new ones....
Dear Mr. CR James,

Hello, my name is [G.K].. I recently purchased Super Sex Power...

If I ever owed anyone a Thank You it is definately you!

My self esteem and success with women has once again returned thanks to you. Around 6 years ago I developed a heath problem called atopic dermatitis that greatly effected the physical appearance of my skin, specifically on my face. Over time my self esteem and confidence went to shit. My fiance and I first got together around that time and our relationship was hanging by a thread for years, but the love for each other and our children has kept us together, but the situation came to a head around a month ago, and that is what led me on a search, that brought me to your books.

I must say that my life improved the very day that I first read Super Sex Power and my life, and my sexual relationship with my fiance has been better than I ever dreamed of.

The sex is exactly like when her and I first got together and she is more affectionate, and says I love you more than when we first got together.

You made me realize that it was ?????, my ?????, and ?????? that were destroying me, my relationship, and my future and driving my fiance away from me all the while mainly blaming her.

You helped me to realize that physical looks are not what matter most to women, and I had convinced myself subconsciously that I was shit because I did not look like I used to. My health has also improved since reading Super Sex Power and I physically look better than I have in years, my energy, and sexual stamina are once again back to normal.


It's a pleasure to know there's a man out there who knows what you've gone through.

I am very sloooooooowwwwwwwww to learn. Intelligent insight! I could write volumes on my mistakes????

Thanks CR.



I do own that so you better get of your arse and send me that report.

Boy this stuff is great and the second and third time reading it, it start to all come togeather.

Thank you.

Love your work Bro

Kind regards

Mr James,

I just read the ???? report, and this is sneaky good.

I think this might be just the thing i needed. I have been playing a game with this girl for a while now. Everything was going good until I walked away from her after i Had lunch in her restaraunt. My brother-in-law had invited me to have lunch there And i wasn't prepared for her to give me an ultimatum as i walked out the door. I left anyway and when i had lunch there again, she was mad. I took the stuff in [your course] and asked for her number anyway.

This girl is very sweet and kind hearted and i actually do like her, I want to do this right because she still wants me to call, and i still have value but it is kinda low right now with her honestly.

I'm not worried though even though there was another guy involved. I love this. I'm having as much fun as when i was a kid.

I actually think this is amazing.

And the funny part is that it works.

I really don't have a question.

JUST A GOOD JOB HOMIE GOOD JOB. ...your work is priceless.

Thanks a lot man.


Hey, what a welcome message in my inbox, great to hear from you! I was
just thinking about some of your stuff the other day.

You know, I'm not all into getting the women and stuff like that, because I
realize there is something much better than that in your teaching.

The way I put it, you teach people to rework their methods of interacting with others.

But that requires changing the way they manage their own actions,
and that requires changing the way they think.

So you've got a good thing going here, I'm all into it and going to get
back to reading some of your stuff!

And I'm really glad I stepped up and bought your Super Sex Power books a couple years ago!

Have a great week,


P.S. - I too am working on building my own business. Very likely I will
branch off of my network marketing company and do something "on my own"
like what you are doing.

Hi CR,

So far am liking what I'm reading.
dude this SSP shit is fuckin awesome!

cunt w8....sorry... cant w8 to see wot that brilliant mind has in store 4 me in that smiley face technique shit.

peace bro
a nd keep the lust flowin

Hi James,

First of all let me take this opportunity to thank you for the advice that have helped many people to live a happy life.

Dear Mr. James,

WOW!!! is what I've got to say about the ???? technique. This system is simple yet powerful.

Let me give you some backround. First off my wife and I are a middle aged couple who have been married 20 years. Like alot of couples our sex life has cooled off considerably over the years, and like alot of men out there I figured it was my wifes problem cause I sure felt the same about sex.

After studying your material was I red faced.

I'm not afraid to admit I created my own low sexual value in my wife's brain, I could see it, you layed it all out in front of me, I felt like a dope.

How was I going to turn this around?

Well you take care of that too right in your material. I bought everything you offered and studied in secret.

I figured I better start out with what seemed to me to be a simple technique, the ????? technique. This and some things to increase my sexual value to my wife would be my starting point.

The first chance I got [did something powerful]...

Early one morning I was in the bathroom getting ready for work and shaving in front of the mirror when in walks my wife, stops in back of me so I could see her in the mirror and slides her night gown to the floor.

She is nude and smilling at me.

She grabs my crotch then walks to the toilet, pees, grabs her night gown and says

"You have a great day at work" and back to bed she goes.

Oh my!! could I have increased my sexual value?

Sure seemed like it, she has'nt done anything like that since well I couldn't remember.

The days went by with her [acting much differently]. There was no sex but there sure was tension. The week end came and she announced we had dinner reservations at a steakhouse we enjoy.

In the restaurant, we sat across from each other in a dim booth and after ordering she let me know she was going to the restroom and off she went. Our drinks were there when she got back and after she slid into the booth she reached across the table and dropped a tiny pair of G-string panties in the middle of the table.

Wide eyed I reached for them and she stopped me saying "leave them".

"you need [something]" I said.

"Damn rights" she said

"I'm getting close and I have every intention of [having sex] " and she gave me the dirtiest, nastiest look.

For the rest of dinner she [did slutty things] right and left, rubbing my crotch with her foot, and at one point she even reached across the table on the pretense of wiping something off my face but instead slid her finger across my lips leaving a trail of wettness.

This nasty girl had reached under her dress and got a finger wet in her pussy, she knows her scent and wettness drive me crazy, WOW!!!!!

Anyway to make a long story short [we had sex] that night.

We ended up getting a hotel room for the night and...

...she was as nasty, dirty, horny and sexy as I've ever seen her!


More Information About Super Sex Power


It's a pleasure to know there's a man out there who knows what you've gone through.
wassup Dude.

your shit is the fuckin shit!

its fun to see how easy chicks are to understand.
Man !!! I got to tell you ....

you CRACK ME UP with the:

"Top Secret" ????? Sex Experiment

I got to STOP reading and do this note because ALL that you say is right into the point.

And I understand you perfectly cos its being like 5 years since I been studying quantum mechanics, energy, "The Secret DVD", "What the FUSS do we know?" and all about frequencies and now you found an energy-mental-frequencies-psychology method to be successful with women.

And the SCARIEST SHIT is that it WORKS!!! ..... wajajajaaaajaa!! Because I am using it ....

And BTW .... you know what I want to accomplish?

Call me crazy if you want, jeje!!!

I want to make women orgasm just by looking them straight into the eyes using [a CR James concept JA!!!

And let me tell you for you to believe ...

There's this girl at the Gym that I am using your techniques on her and I told her what I want to accomplish and SHE told me to keep doing it because I am very very near to accomplish it.

She said that, ok?

What do you think?



CR, I didn't realize my wife has been playing [seduction] games with me for the past 27 years but she has been and it pisses me off...

I also didn't realize that I thought I was rescuing her from her miserable childhood....

I'm getting what your telling me some of which I have to force down but I am getting it...Its starting to work although I do have to overcome a lot of fuck ups on my part from the past...

this past week she gave me the best blow job she has ever givin and tuesday when I got home...

she was dressed in a leather thong and...

I fucked her until she asked me to cum b/c she said I had wore her ass out....

she came about 5 or 6 times....

I am leaving today to go fishing on the coast so last night she asked me if I wanted some and I said no ..

but I found it interesting that she asked me when I was tired and knew I wouldn't want to...playing the game....she is pretty hard headed and hides her sexual emotions very well so its hard for me to know when she is getting horny but I am committed to stand tall and wait for [my wife] to break down and beg me to fuck her again...

thanks for the help
I'll let you know what happens
Hi CR,

I recently downloaded and devoured every scrap of your material I could find. I have been the classic example of the guy who [does the anti-seductive things mentioned in Super Sex Power]... the works!

I thought she had just turned cold, that the lack of libido was her fault, all the stuff you described.

The real problem is [things discussed in Super Sex Power]... and the fact that [something else discussed in Super Sex Power]

[The ???? Technique] in particular is Great!

I nearly laughed out loud the first time I used it yesterday and just one of her eyebrows shot up involuntarily!

Last night, when she proposed a "quickie"

I said, "???????" -- And then I promptly fell asleep! AAAH Ha-ha-ha-ha (my best maniacal laugh).

This is becoming fun

On top of that, I've been doing *really* nice stuff like massages and backrubs away from the bedroom, and without expectations. I've been my normal, upbeat, super-confident self. [I suffer from overconfidence as opposed to the alternative -- could this work against me???]

In any event, I'm really enjoying the evolved mindset of trying to be her hero -- she's awesome and deserves it.

OK, I've distracted you long enough.
Great job! Keep the tips coming!!!!!
These reports were soooo incredibly helpful.

I feel like a new man after reading a nine page size 37 font elaboration on the fact that in order to meet women i must grow a pair of balls. Signal engineering paralled to meeting women? Genius application buddy. Lookin forward to seeing your stuff on the New York Times Best Sellers list.

Get Bent

Hey CR

I have read and implemented so much in the last week my head is spinning but I am laughing my ass off!!

The results are almost immediate and I have a huge hill to climb, married 18 years, left last year for 9 months (to give her space), moved back when she said she was sorry and how she wanted to be a family again.


"...they [the 3 hot lesbians] wanted to have a 4some with me when I got back to denver!"

MR. James

I could tell you a thousand stories about a thousand times where I was anti-seductive.

I won't because now they are successes. I fought to change.

and I'm seeing the results from your system.

Now there isn't a woman in the world I wouldn't talk to.

I actually like the conversations I'm having. It took constant studying and vigilence.

Now Things have completely changed.

I think differently now.

here's is a story I think you'll like. I was in vail. I'm a road painter so I travel all over. I was staying in the hotel there with my crew. we were rained out so we couldn't work. We went to the local pizza place there were two ladies that came in. Married ladies as it happens so introduced myself and they replied with their names I said that’s good lets try the rest of the ladies. so I introduced myself again to the bartender and the waitresses and just about everyone in the place. now my buddies were having a good time.

There was a guy that brought 3 more ladies inside.

NOT ONLY did those three girls introduce themselves they told me they were lesbians....

they wanted to have a 4some with me when I got back to denver!

I gave them my number.

Now it gets even better...

I left the pizza joint and there was another girl outside so I talked to her. I found out some very interesting things about her. she worked in the ice cream parlor with yet another girl. I went into the ice cream parlor with my boss. He ordered a cone. I ordered the banana split

Those girls went crazy over it. I had them putting the stuff on it and they smiling like some purring kittens.

I could tell how horny these ladies in vail are.

Theres more after that we went to the bowling alley. The bartender kept accusing me of trying to pick her up. There was a very wealthy and beautiful women that came in and she blew me off. But after they left her standing for about ten minutes I went back, and asked if there was anyone to help her.

I've never had a day like that.

In one day I connected with over 25 females.

Now for the kicker. The day before when we checked in our hotel there was girl there. She wanted to be difficult when we checked in....

{the rest of this story has been removed}

I've never had a day like that before. But honestly it took losing the girl that took care of me after I was set on fire to find you. now I realize how succesful that relationship was.

I just wish I took action sooner.

But now like I said things are completely different but it took a deep look at myself to make it happen.

Keep up the good work.
A lot of guys could use your help.
Hey CR,

I've read every word you've sent me and I agree I need to change my methods for sexual frequency...

yesterday she told me she wanted to cum when she got home;

we live in Al;

I would normally get excited and say something smart ass but this time I acted as though I didn't care...

when we got home I unloaded the car and she began washing cloths so I went outside and washed the car and did some yard stuff and after and hour or so I came back in and got a shower and when I got out she came into the bathroom and asked if I was ready ...

so I said I guess and she looked and me puzzled and repeated the words I GUESS ?...

I didn't say anything else I just got in bed and waited for her....she loves her vibrator so after she had sucked me for a while she got on top and rode me for about 10 minutes and I told her to lay on her back and I played with her pussy with her vibrator until she was squirming around she took the vibrator from me and I put one finger in her ass and the other in her pussy and she came 4 to 5 times ...

when she finished I got on top of her and...

she bucked around like a wild horse until I had blown my load....

later when we were sitting on the couch I asked her [something] b/c she seemed wetter than normal and that I still had a throbbing in my dick b/c she had fucked me that good...

the look on her face was like a little child that had been complimented on for doing something special...

and she said good that was what it was supposed to do...

I look forward to hearing back from you
Thanks for getting back to me so fast! The kind of info you provide is the shit!

Hey CR, I have a couple of items that would like to comment on ...

one is when you talked about your wife becoming [sexually aggressive] on your way back from [a certain type of event]...

years ago when our kids were young we would [do something similiar to what CR James experienced] and 6 out of 10 times when we were on our way home my wife would take my hand and put it on her pussy...

she would be so wet that she would leak through ..

then she would finger herself while I would try and watch while driving ...thats hard to do...

and play with [myself]...

I always thought she did that b/c [of something else]

I wonder if women in general think that way....

and the other is and I don't remember where I read it at this time but she fits the mold of the woman that has these high morales and is the first to say I could or would never do that which I have always thought was BS

b/c I believe people will do anything if the right buttons are pushed as you put it...

I would like to hear what you have to say on each one of these and want to extend my thanks to you for the reopenning my eye's to the reality of how women are and what they are actually saying...

More Information About Super Sex Power

Dear CR James,

I have bought a lot of your products, almost all actually.

I find your outlook quite fascinating the methodology is flawless.

I like very much that you are using this kind of knowledge to improve, enhance and deepen intimacy because there is not a man on this plan who has not experienced the problems you highlight.

The solutions are amazing simple.


Well, I am convinced now that all of your teachings are paying off.

I have been avoiding [doing the anti-seductive things mentioned in Super Sex Power] and she is now saying silly things like...

I'm going to jump your bones when I come home and we should install a trapeze in the bedroom and the greatest one was I told her I was going to straighten her out and she asked what I had in mind.

C.R: Thank you for the information - very informative!

I plan to read it carefully again.

[Something interesting happened] and we had a really good 'round that morning'.

When things were "not happening" for her a while back I suggested that she might consider finding a boyfriend and that I would be O.K.with that

The only time she really has had a good orgasm was just before we were married and I have begun to think it happened because she was excited at the extramarital adventure of it.

Apologies for the lengthy letter it's just that you seem to have a good understanding of how to handle these things.


Hi James,

I have finished the book and I have to say it has been an awakening experience.

Ive made modest changes in how I view things and I have seen modest changes in our relationship. I'm determined to make this work and become a better person in the process.

Can you suggest more reading material? With authors that have the same heart and soul that you have.


Hello Mr. James,

I purchased your "Super Sex Power" and bonus e-books about one month ago and have been reading and reviewing its contents regularly. You have presented an interesting point of view.

I have been applying the various techniques ....and have observed various levels of positive results from many different females.

I have observed when I enter a place where many women are present, I am "noticed" by women who will turn around immediately and look directly at me and sometimes give me a smile when I am approaching or passing by them.

I do not initiate any outright verbal commuication with them to attract their attention; only the ???? technique. At first I was surprised and thought it was random coincidences, but it is constantly occurring and is a predictable reaction from women.

Specifically, last week I walked into a hardware store and overheard a young girl talking with teenage girl in a van. I didn't pay any attention to their conversation since I was preoccuppied with locating several items in the store.

I was startled and never thought this technique would cause a very young girl to react in this manner.

I am looking forward to receiving additional updates and reports from you. This is very powerful stuff.


L. S. Y.

Please, start doing seminars!

Yea. The funny thing is that it is coming out in my favor. She dresses more like a wife than a mom now. For Mother's day she dressed relaxed and let me take the lead in the restaurant.

I did ease up and I spent a few days being supportive. When the kids where out of the house this weekend, I used a funny sexy card she'd given me for our anniversary (from a previous year) to remind her of sex and then made the move in the kitchen. She was especially willing and giving.

After the fact, she respects me and my space more. Although at the time of the jealousy technique she was furious. I believe she is more reseptive to me because of the technique. In a flash of inspiration, I suggested that the past anti-seductiveness has been solved when the doctor's made their diagnosis on her.

My wife has always prided herself on being hard to get and being above the cut. Since the kids, its been increasingly difficult for me to initiate sex. I like the idea of the points and the happiness of the smiley face technique. I think this is the future.

She sees herself as the one with the goods and doesn't want to appear cheap. I've had some success suggesting that she has to tell me what she wants and she seems open to this. I like the playfulness of having her beg for sex. It will take awhile to build to this point. It interfers with her self concept to beg for sex (or earn points). I've tried it and she gets turned off and says she isn't that kind of girl (probably I'm not doing it right).

The ???? based techniques have done wonders breaking down her resistance to sex. She is a very proud woman. I can see she is trying to do a really good job for me and is enjoying herself. I can only hope that I can stay confident and continue to eliminate anti-seductive behaviours so that our intimacy and connection can continue to increase.

Thank you very much CR James! Who would have ever figured out all the things I was doing wrong in my relationship with my wife! I had become the ultimate "man of desperation"! I had actually lost a part of my own identity trying to constantly please my wife! The first time I finally said "No" to her, she sat up and looked at me as if I was crazy for having said it! Now she is starting to take notice of me...now she is constantly holding onto my arm or holding hands with me when walking out in public!

You have to understand, we were destined for divorce within another six months untill I started praticing your techniques. What a turn around my wife has done! She is actually starting to get aggressive with me sexually in bed at night! She will strip down and then demand I come to bed naked too! Then she starts to rub her naked body all over me, kissing me and telling me how much she loves me!

I know I have alot to learn still and I have to make sure I don't fall into any pitfalls, but if this is any indication of where we are going....then I had better hang on tight!

Thankyou once again CR James without your techniques I doubt I would ever have enjoyed what my wife is giving me now! The proof is in the pudding! The attachment is just a little taste of my wife's desert!

Hi CR what's up my friend.

Your ???? report was the highlight of my week last week. It is THE BOMB!!
I'm still digesting it because I think it has so much that I cannot get it all
at once. I noticed though similarities with the NLP pattern of loops but in a
different more covert way and in a way it has never been explained in NLP.

Open loop of curiosity, and fill in the vacuum with information which otherwise
may not be as accepted but this time it's swallowed whole (no pun intended LOL)
I'm writing also to ask about the Bracelet Report. I'm sure you out it in to
get people's attention and not forgotten it, since I never received it or saw
it anywhere.

Can I have it?? I'll give you 250 seduction master points for it ;P

I've had trouble with your material in terms of using it mostly because I
haven't digested it to a level where I can create my own seduction formulas. Do
you think that if I wrote stuff down it would help me use it more?

Thanks again.

Hi Mr.James,

I havent had time to study in detail and apply your material, but what I have had time to analyze/apply so far, works like magic, its awesome shit!! Not to metion all the free bonus stuff, I Love it!

oh, yes, about the free bonuses, just a request if you have some time to do it for me.
I received all the good free bonus stuff, except these two below because the links never worked, dont know why...and I really dont know what im missing, so please if you could take your time to send me a new link, or e-mail them or something.

I really apreciate your material


Thanx for the Hot Dog!

You are so right! At one time I was so into analyzing what turned my wife on, that I would constantly be asking her what and how she wanted it. She couldn't tell me! She didn't have the means to comunicae this to me.....no wonder I have been frustrated all these years!...in pursuit of some information she would never be able to give!

It's starting! I'm learning and my wife is starting to wake up from her "Husband induced Sexual Coma". We are starting to have sex again!

P.S. You have to love the look on my wife's face when she is in the middle of her orgasms!

Thanks again for sending me these books. I have read through them and once again you are absolutely right on what you have written. I notice a few important parts in the new writings are reiterations of key points from "SSP".

Why I have not mentioned this before I don't know, but I feel it is important to mention that your "Super Charisma" formula is more important than maybe even you might realize.

That formula alone was the biggest piece of the puzzle to me in turning my life around. I did change internally like you said, but I now take that formula with me everywhere I go.

Even though I am happily married to my dream woman...

For instance, when I enter a bar (with or without my wife) I immediately pretend to be single (in my mind). I then refer back to your writings to try and test my sexual value on all of the women.

Confidence, confidence, confidence!

There is a reason that is the first componant of "Super Charisma".

I know the email is long, but I feel this all needed to be said. Thanks. again!


hey cr..

cool to hear from you - actually bought your slb package a little while ago, but haven't read it yet - things have been pretty hectic and well, realise there's always more to learn, but doing pretty damn well with the stuff i've learnt from you already..

mate, the funny thing is, it's really just the norm now - i'm getting kinda used to what to expect from a girl now, and aren't that surprised when they do ridiculous shit anymore..

one little story - i know you love em.. on sat night just gone, i had to stay at a co-worker's family house in order to be at work early next morning. She's got a hot daughter who i'd met once before, and had given me the ice-queen treatment at that meeting.. i was thinking "perfect", let the games begin..

anyway, by the end of dinner she was flirting outrageously - seriously, i was getting embarrassed - in front of both parents and her little sister.. i found out she lives with her boyfriend in sydney - dunno that helped, as I probably pushed her further away and intensified everything. she ended up stealing my number out of her mum's phone and sending me multiple texts after everyone had gone to bed detailing a) how horny she was and b) what she was doing about it.. this is a prim and proper miss showgirl...

i think the things that did it were; i semi-ignored her for a while and spent more time talking to her dad, mum and sister.. then when we did finally talk it was kinda obvious she felt like she had to impress.. we did actually develop a pretty cool connection, which i also think she was surprised at

somehow this swedish girl i'd been seeing came up (seemless dude ;) and everyone wanted to see a photo of her - yep she's blonde, blue eyed, 6ft tall and drop dead gorgeous, and in the one photo in my phone she's looking longingly into the camera with her head against mine while I'm playing the fool with a dickhead look on my face.. it was all i could do not to laugh to watch her internal turmoil as she battled not to let those wonderful feelings of jealousy be totally obvious to everyone around.. there were a couple of other little stories that came up (a client had asked me out last week, and I'd also had to sneak a girl out the side door past this girls mum a few weeks back too.. ;) - the thing was it was almost like her mum was helping me out - she kept bringing the stories up, and all i had to do was throw in a few details.. ;)

in terms of where i feel i've come through all of your stuff i've read and re-read, it's mainly just through approaching it more as a game, and i'm really starting to know the rules and how the game goes now, instinctively even.. it's like all those little signals (the arcade sounds) just get ticked off as we go, and i'm kinda a few steps ahead most of the time... although all women are different, they are, as you've said, all very predictable in their responses to certain stimulai - i guess I was surprised at first when even hot, intelligent, high-self-esteem, savvy girls went just the same way as young, impressionable ones.. they're maybe a little better at hiding things (ie more sublte), and maybe they hold out a bit longer before they throw their game away and join in with yours..

anyway, thanks again for everything so far - you definitely gave me some tools to effectively work through an incredibly difficult period of my life through separating with my wife and best friend of 13 years (which at 31 is a fucking long time ;) and now on with having some fun and meeting heaps of new people.. The best thing is i'm aware of lots of the things that went wrong in our rel;ationship and feel pretty safe in the knowledge that they'll never happen again
so there'll be other challenges, but it's a good feeling.

take care

For Honorable Reasons: This Guy Wants To Remove
His Super Sex Powers

First thanks for your knowledge. You're the pro-master!

(I've been enjoying these techniques like crazy you won't believe if i told you.)

I made love to a female real estate salesman when I sought a home for my friend, [we made love] in an empty apartment we were visiting!

[The] good thing is that so far I was enjoying [the Super Sex Power tactics] selfishly, uninformedly, but now girls are really mad over me that I don't make any call. -- new girls out of nowhere I stumble into, they just love it ;)

I'm like james fu**ing bond now!

That's right where my problem is. This is not a testimony letter.

You see my uncle's wife is drawn to me so badly.

I only know it and her, I don't know how the hell I seduced her but it was NEVER a deliberate act.

Now I want to anti-seduce her, I don't know I want to avoid it. This is very un-good, it's not [good according to] my beliefs. This is bad.

My uncle and his family live with us I don't know why. They already got a beautiful house, fully furnished in this city, but since he has moved to this city he has not moved to that house.

And I do travel much, but some times I stay with my parents in this house, it's a hard time for me.

Please give your help.


<< CR James Replies >>

hey joe

thanks for the kind words my friend...

...inside of an empty apartment?

...with the female real estate saleswoman?

shame on you! you could have gotten her fired!

(ok, i 'm joking. keep up the good work!) lol

as far as your issue, i will say it's not as easy as
most people think - especially when the female just sees
you as a sexual object... i 'm assuming this is the case...

i do have a few questions:

-when did you first notice it?

-how can you tell for sure she wants to sleep with you?

-has she been giving you the "horny look"?

- was it something she said?
(did she say anything that caught you off guard)

-has she been "grabbing" you?

let me know...


Well I probably did ask how do I become irrisistable to women but now it's no longer a question I have because I have enhanced my ability to approach and converse with females tremendously.

Well thanks for everything

Thank you so much! You have made me more succesful in my relationship, you are one smart dude =D! Thank you for these reports, they are awesome!!!
Dear CRJ:

I have read you book and really my objective was to relate better with the opposite sex whom I always had a phobia for, for no reason. My emotions was having the best of me whenever I was in company of females. Well your advice works like magic. I now have the confidence like you. i have used the seduction principles so much so that it is part of my whole appproach in communication. I have improved my relationship with my wife too. (22 years of marriage).

Recently I joined a new company where I already have the women going crazy over me because of the magic formula of CCCE. Like I said I just use it all the time. The thing is, I have created such attraction in one of these women to the extent that she has responded to me in such a way that she is virtually stalking me now. She is a nice girl, although married like myself, and I responded by going out with her a couple of times. I tried many times to give her the gift of missing me, but this as you know intensifies her responses a great deal. She always calls and email me, saying how she missed me.

The one thing however, is that she is afraid to go to the next level, because of her present situation, the office and being married. Well I have worked on her quite admirable, although the results are slow to come by, going to the next level.

Should I give her more time?
"CR James

Thank you for your material! Your tecniquis have already given me amazing progress! I actually have had two different girls (an 8 and a 9) come up to me and say there was something different they liked about me but didn't know what it was. If I wasn't using your material to try and save my marriage I would be out dating hot babes right now instead of emailing you.

Thank you for being one of the few guys out there that help men find the knowledge they really need to build a happy balanced relationship.

Your material more than pays for itself in the first day.

My self confidence has sky rocketed 200%!!!

I have joined and downloaded a number of your essays. They are very interesting and the little I have been able to use, well thought out and very applicable. Just the simple act of [doing something in SSP] have had interesting results-making her much more agressive and determined to pleasure me-so I know what you write is dead on.

"Things are better sexually than ever before and neither of us continue to be frustrated with this matter..."

Hi, CR

Thanks for getting back with me. I understand that you must get hundreds of emails from men and women just like me who are turning their relationships around.


Without a doubt, I can tell that I have built back up that attraction that we had when we were first together.

Things are better sexually than ever before and neither of us continue to be frustrated with this matter.

I want to THANK YOU with the utmost sincerity and tell you that I don't want to think about where I (and my marriage) would be without your knowledge and taking the time to write it down.

I continue to look forward and I wait with great anticipation for each new email that you send.


More Information About Super Sex Power

Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved Instructor CR James
Any Questions? Email: crjames100@gmail.com